A misguided youth from a native reservation that had a notable feature of still practicing the outdated art of shamanism. Since the advent of modern magic studies we've learned shamanism is just incarnum mixed with telepathic empathy from psionics, and a little bit of pandem binding. Taking a little of each to achieve what was once a mystical effect but has since been agreed to be an inefficient study of either practice as is the case for a lot of older specialties. Since the invasion the tribe has been wandering around since most of them are a bit more dangerous than a bunch of rednecks should be due to them all being heirs to Haziel and possessing varying forms of true lycanthropy. They have a notable desire to reclaim land that they argue belongs to them before Alnae colonized it.

All this wouldn't be too special were not for the fact that Eerihild is the direct daughter of Haziel. She possesses wolven true lycanthropy, a form that is fully voluntary and gives pretty much all the upsides. Main downsides being anger management issues and an aversion to silver.

There are many rebellious young'uns around, though Eerihild has quite possibly the worst situation compared to all of them. She is pandem bound to her own mother and gets away with nothing. Despite being an incarnum practitioner, she barely understands it and only knows the basic soulmelds she always has active. She still considers herself more of a shaman than anything else and has a very specific set of abilities she refuses to acknowledge as having a more scientific explanation.

She and her tribe are a magical studies gold mine due to the number of strange anomalies they have available to them. Though they're a bunch of angry werewolves who hate people with clipboards due to a land dispute. So they've been hard to get to cooperate for research purposes.

Regeneration - Regenerates # hp per 5 rounds.


Current situation: Annoying her mother.