A spirit from the higher plane of shadow, also known as a shade. Kala picked her out in his quest for a suitable private investigator, as a shade she can move through physical objects by traversing shadowy spots and shade's are naturally inclined to the acquisition of knowledge. Also, people tend to have a fair disposition towards them because of their calm demeanor. Exme has left the plane of shadow and is a little quirky for a shade in that she's nosey and obnoxiously curious. Something she has somehow made a business of.

She sometimes possesses a space suit to gain a physical form but prefers to wander around in her natural spirit shape. While she is aligned with natural talents to investigate her disposition makes her a bit of a risky full time hire given her social mannerisms and friendly demeanor. Kala is not entirely certain she is capable of being totally secretive, but her other talents may outweigh the risks.



1583: Hired as head of Investigative Reporting by Sol Media for 80k. Began expose on The Raven Facility