An old washed up survival show host once featured on a web series called Wild Gellix which featured him running around and attempting survival situations with his camera guy. It was most known for his tendency to do things in a slightly illegal manner and definitely didn't have a TV producer or team of lawyers telling him what was okay or not. The web series came to an end when Gellix was arrested for messing around inside protected reserves, particularly the part where he knife-wrestled a large carnivore and cooked it on the show. It was an engangered species.

Since then he's given up his show and now looks for a job in the field of colonization and exploration, to go to new planets and perhaps wrestle with some dangerous wild life without a protected status by the government. He's a fairly rough guy and a bit of a thrill seeker. Known for his catch-phrase "I'm gonna try to hug it" and "I wonder if its edible."

Wilderness - A survival expert in wild conditions.


1583: Hired by the Raiders of Abbathor 300k