A jydoq from the recently obliterated system of Nylun. The escalating conflict for resources across her planet caused her to flee the system for fear of further destruction. She would find her way into the Sol system on a quest for revenge though quickly learned that they were having very similar issues. She was able to understand that it wasn't the system as a whole that had destroyed her civilization but a few dangerous individuals upon seeing the plight of the Sol system that had a very similar pattern to her home. Her quest for revenge flickered out as she came to realize no one actually knew who did it. Eventually she was forced to try and find some way to feed herself.

She found herself leaving the Sol system in search of greener lands, eventually winding up on Somnus station while following a colonization project. After the bombing of her homeworld she demonstrated a particularly motivated talent for preventing such issues from happening again, eventually being picked out to become the security officer of the station by Nicole Lancaster.

She has a somber streak to her demeanor, likely because her family, home, and planet were blown up in front of her. Though the motivation of food keeps making sure she gets out of bed and patrols the station.


Investigation - Gives bonuses to detective work.

Psionic - This character can use psionic abilities.