The shadow matriarch of house Vloz'Khress and sister to the infamous Kharla. Kiel'Nada is a powerful pandem caster in her own right but doesn't have the power to take official control of the house, so sticks to manipulating her sister. Some have noticed that despite this relationship Kiel'Nada does seem to have some genuine affection for her sister and doesn't blame her for the mental problems and outbursts. Instead spiting their mother who was so corrupted by Pandem magic that Kharla was born as messed up as she was. This relationship is quite likely why Kiel'Nada is the only one who has so much control over what Kharla does.

Kiel'Nada is actually a brilliant leader who is responsible for the continued success of House Vloz'Khress. Without Kiel'Nada the house would have easily fallen apart or turned into some dark spooky castle in the underdark no one visited. Under her leadership the house established its colonies and its very successful mining colony on SZ1. There have been many attempts to kill Kiel'nada but its very hard to kill a competent drow who's well being is guarded by something as absurdly powerful as Kharla. The castle walls of Vloz'Khress are adorned with horrifying dolls of every single assassin that ever tried to kill Kiel'Nada.