Daughter of Arkaric Selona, which raises a lot of questions on its own, and one of the Exchange's prominent members. She was once an agent of law enforcement for an independent colony that apparently had no idea who her father was. Through a series of complicated events she eventually found Arkaric, and it turns out family was more relevant then occupation in a way. It was suspected she acquired her new position out of being brainwashed though as it was a rather sudden change of pace.

She is generally apathetic towards everything around her, one of her most unique features is that she remains fully human instead of opting for the giant list of cybernetics most of the gang is known for. Despite her more apathetic personality she's still relatively mean and tends to act as a commander for combat engagements on larger scales. On the upside, she's far less disposed to cruelty then her father so at least death is quick and relatively painless.