A former member of Somnus security acting as a detective. No one really knows where he came from, but he responded to the help wanted sign and over time established himself to have more talents than the typical traffic cop. He knows how to move within underworld circles in order to track down anything of use to him. He was primarily involved in the department trying to deal with Laura King before being scouted out by Baltun to work for Nah division. He is fairly skilled at close combat, not quite a professional soldier but well enough to handle himself among the gangsters he is often immersed around.

He has a sort of unnerving presence honed over years of moving as an undercover agent. His strategy being to intimidate people into think he was more likely to be a serial killer than an undercover cop. Though no one is totally sure that he isn't, he has never given any indication of being particularly unstable so people are forced to just hope he's not.