
1. Roster
2. Companies
-----Astral Order




A section dedicated to a recurring theme of a pandem order. The powerful contacts that the order has a direct relationship with even if not having any authority over them. They still help out from time to time.


Includes a civilian sector, though primarily focuses on the knights of the order who study pandem to its extremes and travel the galaxy seeking to prove the limits of pandem. They rely heavily on well cared-for slaves to operate ethi technology for them.

Influence Options:

Create Rift Tunnel: 500 points
Create a portal from one spot to anywhere else in the galaxy. Requires an Astral Knight with Pandem 5+ to initiate.

Costs 250 if Eden is present in both locations.

Specialist: Pandem

Legendary: reroll recruit rolls lower than 10


Inventory: Possesses a mysterious metal rod with two prongs that is engraved with the name "Ryner"







A company devoted to non-ethi based technologies particularly for the pandem corrupted's accessibility.

Influence Options:



Steam engine
Automatic non-ethi door







Inactive Characters

Memorial of the Fallen
