The Selona Family is something of an ultra-violent gang that prefers operating planetside compared to space piracy. Unlike most criminal organizations who focus on not getting caught and keeping away from the law, the Selona Family is notorious for going to war with law enforcement that tries to interact with them. They are particularly present in Alnae and Independent colonies where law enforcement generally tries to avoid civilian casualties as that is the primary weapon of their strategy. By presenting a massive amount of armed forces in urban areas law enforcement struggles to take action against them without resulting in at least ten civilian deaths per gangster killed or arrested. Some people theorize Selona is actually a drow machination to strike at Alnae from the shadows due to these operating procedures.

The family is less about stealing and more focused on their sprawling black market trade in just about anything you could want. Ranging from illegal weapons that would be considered a war crime to even possess, to incarnum wiped loyal sex slaves, and even tanks. No one is actually sure where Selona gets access to its armory from as no manufacturer produces these kinds of weapons, leading people to believe the family actually has its own factories. The generally accepted rumor is that its leader is so hellbent on chaos that he refuses to go legit and just sell to the military and wants to arm the entire system to its teeth so it'll blow itself up.

This theory is backed up by the fact that its leader, Arkaric, is a war mongering lunatic. Every gang that tried to oppose him has found their entire city blocks leveled and the legal system just can't handle the sheer military power the crime syndicate somehow possesses without just bombing its own citizens. The last time they tried to arrest a major lieutenant, chemical warheads were launched into the area of the police car transporting the prisoner and six thousand civilians died. Because of the gang's dramatic overreaction to anything that stands up to them Generally the customers are more likely to be arrested then the gangsters themselves.

SZ1's mega city is home to Arkaric's well known headquarters though his presence can be felt almost anywhere there is urban development including SR3. While they're most famous for operating in Alnae territory, they can be found among Shetou cities as well though Shetou gives less of a damn and doesn't seem to get into conflict with them too often. Fortunately for many other gangs, the Selona family isn't very territorial and allows smaller gangs to hang out in these areas with them. Selona's profit model involves being the supplier of illegal goods to smaller gangs who then sell those on the street for a profit themselves, wealthier clients who want specific things or lots of a thing will buy from Selona directly.

Selona maintains a fragile relationship with Solvang, the Solvang Pirates emphasize avoiding trouble and heists more then black market trading. Often they will work together to move supplies around for their respective clients. Since Solvang has a fleet and Selona has an army, they just stay out of each other's way. The one place that neither crime organization operates on is the SR1 city of Refuge due to lack of demand for their supplies.

Prominent members: