The last minute update because the DM got caught up in playing NMS blame mezzy

We had Kaya head on down to try and find the Halik. The initial trouble proves that we took kind of awhile on that whole thing and they’re fairly deeply migrated into the Chanai territory. While the offer to live on a fancy floating island has its appeals, as far as they are concerned they are indebted to the Chanai for offering them protection in these rough times. Even if we’re preeetty sure the Chanai were the danger. So the Halik not totally interested in betraying the Chanai, and despite our super awesome flying island it seems that if we elaborate on the story on how we all went missing from the region it has been interpreted as us kiiiind of running away from the fight.

As for rumors of flying creatures, I’m not really sure what you consider tameable. As we’ve seen the Chanai can tame about anything though most other clans don’t have the same luck. If you’re interested in ones that can be possibly ridden in terms purely of size, I know of the manticore, wyvern, and roc. The new harpy girl mentioned that some four legged eagle thing called a griffin exists though I have no idea what that is.

Also I had the bee people also look into the environmental council thing, mostly because we only have so many people and the council isn’t exactly a full time job anyways. That and the bee specialists are already studying every flower on the island. To which end, they have made some progress and convinced a swarm to live in a log by making very tiny spaces in the log for them to come and go from and cutting the top off the log so that it can be replaced. The bees seem to like small spaces with small entrances and exits. The design is currently being experimented with still.

As the new environmental council has taken over the interest in the snails that we are testing out over by the swamp, it has come to my attention that the snails are picking up a bit. We lost a lot of the initial ones simply due to how cold it is up here. Now the remaining couple of snails have actually been doing okay and produced some baby snails. Not really enough to deal with the lake yet though, we still haven’t done anything about that one.

Wait whats a lever?

Contrary to popular belief, we do have some friendly people. Actually a good fair few, I think we just get a bad reputation because half of us are covered in bones or glowing. Also probably because of you, Sawiri, and myself. So I had a couple of the most tame individuals head down to the ground and make their way over to the camp. They’ll be helping secure the area officially, though they’re mostly working with the orcs. The orcs actually seem to be getting along with them decently well, in comparison to how they might normally react to us. I may have sent them wearing colorful things they borrowed from the Nezatl so that they don’t look like…well you, Sawiri, and myself.

Sawiri has managed to make bone instruments before actually, they sound awful. But they are loud and hard to break I guess? I’m not really sure if its the fact that they’re made of enchanted bone, or if Sawiri just can’t make an instrument beyond a drum.

As for the black rocks, when heated enough they just shatter on their own. Actually they shatter quite violently and when we tested this the one standing closest to the fire had shards stuck in them that had to be removed.


We could get down even with just the basket, but we do not have any innate ability to sense the mother. Also we are busy with cleaning the waters until someone finds a way to fix the lake.

Iiniwa has headed down to the plains to continue the search for the mother, and the winged ones from the rock have been made to keep an eye out as well.

Hunting the Chanai in the night is especially for Kennae and the Dozen. The snake tails we have also have good eyes in the dark. Hakenu’e warns us that the night carries its own dangers in the crow folk.

Kennae finds no tracks, the mother is only one to be away from home and not come back in time to flee. She has a tendency to move slowly and roam far, nothing has threatened her for some time. She was bolder than most and traveled more.

But Iiniwa knows everyone, tracks aside he knows we are missing two of the snake tails that often scouted caves. Also missing a toothy one, who was likely looking for food south of home when we were attacked. He is looking for signs of them too.

Have built home for the mother as requested, near to the bushes she likes to eat.

The orcs are considered monster by men, but not really. Same said for the demon clan and elf clan. All who are not man called monster, but those with large numbers in a group become their own distinction. Other thought is that all who eat man are monster. Making orc, demon, and elf just other color of man. Though is difficult to think this way as long as crow folk exist. In regards to tribal council, depends how many orcs come to tribe. They could be their own clan with chief, if not enough then will likely be with the Hariwana since they are interested enough to send people to speak with them.


The bone caller can make the bone spikes as desired, that appears to be one of the easier concepts for him to do. As for specialized arrows, we haven’t found anything particularly more effective than a regular arrow. Though the recent discovery by the Hariwana might prove useful if we can figure out how to get the black rock to shatter the way it does when we desire it to. Though introducing fire into the idea would probably work just as well anyways. Its an ongoing idea.

Approaching the demons for information did not go as expected. It is quite clear the demons know who Coszacatl is, and likely where she went. Though they are unwilling to share such information, and notably are lacking for dead. It appears they did not qualify as victims for her vengeance. She seems to have visited them peacefully, and they are not willing to share information on her with our members who asked about a dangerous hunt. While that may have backfired slightly, it has revealed to us that the demons are quite willing to associate with Coszacatl. It was also no obstacle, upon seeing that such negotiations were not going to work, our trackers had the foresight to use the opportunity to keep a close eye on the village until they found some sign of her passing. She left their camp and headed north, so it wasn’t for nothing.

They also noticed something interesting, while they were there our trackers noticed that the demon clan had a lot more weapons around the camp than might be considered normal for them. The demons normally keep to themselves and mind their own business, the fact that they had so many weapons implies they are preparing for something. They didn’t wear the weapons constantly, nor have an abundance of scouts on watchful guard. They are not defending from some sort of skirmish, they are preparing to be the aggressors. That should be interesting if nothing else. With how rarely they come out of their lands, most just speak ill of their kind but do not dare engage them. The idea of the clan coming out to strike could shake the region, as they are among the strongest clans when it comes time for violence. It may be worth keeping an eye on them, to see who might make for the best recruits once we can see them actually fight. Though immediate recruitment is not so viable given that the demons are a very stable clan. They don’t have anyone lacking for a home or feeling any call to adventure. I feel that after a major conflict, the dead may cause more rifts as their social structure experiences some breakdowns. Nothing recruits quite as well as an orphan or an exile after all.

Ragash and Avonaco have found the other group of orcs. Of immediate interest is the lack of shared information between this group and the other one. They did not even know of some brooding retaliation against the Chanai, which indicates to me that the knowledge of this group was acquired in the northwest by the other group we found. This particular group was much more willing to come back with Ragash as they had no particular objectives in mind at the moment other than survival, we also may have omitted the information of the growing retaliation the other group was seeking to join. Limiting their range of options a tad. They are currently being escorted back to the base camp.

As for the tokens, are you not the bravest of us? *hands you four tokens*

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