First blood


Stories of Lore 14


Behold for it is I, the cosmic force of all things. I’ve had these cards just sitting in my folder for months now and I figured I would put them on the board just cuz they keep showing up. Well one of them just showed up for the first time in any capacity this week but it may be of interest to a certain someone to know who this is…annnd you should know who Harakino is by now.



That one harpy who keeps showing up in the stories or mentioned as the primary messenger. She was the first one the Huanacan recruited when establishing dominion over pride rock. There were several at roughly the same time, but she was definitely approached by Huanacan first because of her unique coloration.

She is mostly a messenger and doesn’t fight much, as thats not a strong suit for her. She’s just…hanging around. She comes to check in with the main village every other day to see if anyone needs her for anything and just to visit. She’s more sociable than the rest of them at least.


If not the best, than at least one of the most significant members of the Akoa warriors. He can is bold and a bit of an overconfident dick. Described by The Other as “everything Avonaco wished elves were”. He is eager and ready for battle, which makes him relevant to know about for planning in this war against Xiomac.

He doesn’t know shapeshifting like the Akoa druids, but he can control the wind. Which is something that doesn’t flow very much beneath the jungle’s canopy. While its not the most battle-savvy of the abilities we’ve seen, he has used it to surprising creativity. Such as placing himself upwind of things he is sneaking up on, or making those annoying birds that keep attacking people lose their ability to fly straight towards their target. Other then that, he’s just really good with a spear.

And now back to your regularly scheduled updates.

We have made the first move against Xiomac by attacking the least defended southern guardians. It was perhaps anticlimatic. The forces were comprised primarily of the Akoa, backed by Mikaere. They were fully prepared to battle the greatest of the southern guardians, and plans were made to retreat if needed. However, it turns out that the great southern guardian was nowhere to be seen. Koamalu threw a corpse into a fire and said that they had been dealt with by one of our people to spare the lives of those risking the assault, though they must not know that we assisted in killing the great southern guardian.

As I’m sure context has by now informed you, the great and terrible southern guardian is Esin. This has given Koamalu the chance to find out more about her, he has taken something of an obsession over this matter. I don’t think old whispering wolf likes having a mental equal in his midst. It turns out Esin’s absence was not known to the village she was supposed to be protecting. She has long since had a habit of locking herself away in isolated areas and demanding to be left alone…I can’t say I’m surprised. So the village was fairly surprised when no demon druid came to their aid under such an assault. The Akoa were inescapable, they sent some of their best druids including Tehanau. All survivors were hunted down throughout the jungle to prevent Xiomac from learning of our involvement, or that Esin isn’t actually dead. We’re not sure if she would tell him herself or not, but at least it sets up a potentially good situation for us for him to believe the jungle natives successfully defeated her.

Koamalu also apparently learned how strong Esin really is from the people that knew her. She is one of the mightiest in the jungle, but still feared Xacalli. Which gives us a range to guess from. Though I suppose we still don’t know how strong Xacalli and Xiomac actually are.

The Ranoni are hesitant to aid these operations without recompense. One thing I had our Nezatl look for in their village was a champion. Since they have so far been ineffectual in stopping ours from wandering by. I don’t think they have any, nor do they have sheer numbers. I feel we should offer them something for the deaths of their scouts at Sakazai’s hands, though in the words of my granddaughter… They started it.  When it comes to the war with Xiomac, they are small in number and spirit. Their involvement should be minimal or their clan could be wiped out. The Akoa are much better suited to war on this scale.

We also discovered that Nihaul is still alive and has joined with Mikaere to pursue the death of Xiomac.

However, among all this Xiomac himself made no appearance. There is a chance he was simply not nearby enough or had faith that Esin could deal with the matter herself. That or he reasoned that Xacalli was close by if Mikaere was attacking something. Whatever the reason, he has not yet shown himself.

Also on to another matter. We may need to name our village. The Huanacan village and Rock Village already have names, but due to them being separate to a degree we’ve started to establish that the lakeside village needs a name of its own.

We have managed to hand beetle many a newcomer. Though one of their warriors crushed the beetle in my hand with their firm handshake. That was messy.

Anyways! I don’t know what level upping is. Though Kaya remains the strongest of our clan still.

Also I’m pretty sure we shouldn’t paint the Dozen’s rock blue. They’re picky about that one. Settle down and eat your honey.

As for Maxhui, I suppose we could leave her with the Akoa to continue her training if we wanted to explore the druid path further. We could imitate the Dozen’s system of using some sort of symbol if she needs to speak with us, since we would always know where she is with the Hariwana scrying pool.


As Hakenu’e covered, the assault on the southern region began.

As for the council of chiefs, it seems to have passed by default with no real opposition. This motion would technically be handled by the-


This would technically make the Orc Clan a child clan of the beastkin, and the Pride Clan a child of the Huanacan. Though I do suggest a different name. Just because calling the orcs or Esin a “child” will probably not settle well, especially while Xoco is still technically a central chief.

This also leads to the notion of if a child chief can become a central one? For example, if the orcs were to breed like rabbits and recruit some clans under themselves do they become a central clan as well or do they just remain an extension under the beastkin?

While we’re naming things, we may consider changing the name of the Elder Chief. Because if Hakenu’e dies, the next person might be a bit younger. I suggest Big Chief, Grand Chief, Chief Supreme, or Lord of the Chiefs. Xoco agrees with me.

Also it leads me to ask if the intention is to leave the Beastkin as the ruling clan even if Hakenu’e should die, or if we need some other way to pick the heir.

Planning for my death while I’m standing right here is unsettling. Though if I were to pass, Koamalu would take over the beastkin. Also let it be known I did not pick my title.

Moving on. I’ve informed the bone collectors to of the new plan to bring as much back as possible. We already do something similar when we animate corpses and walk them back, the only issue is transporting them up to Auwana as a gryphon can only carry so much. Preservation is an issue though. We are good at preserving bones and Tupai keeps his corpses going by constantly animating them but stockpiling bodies in general will eventually attract the rot.

My pipe herbs are indeed calming. It makes you feel like you barely want to move. It’s a great way to keep one’s composure in tense situations. It also helps artisans with their creativity.

It also makes them sit around and stare at grass or the clouds for hours on end. Master Zhuan is one of the only people strong enough to maintain any level of productivity and even that is of questionable merit.

I can’t tell if that was a compliment or not.


Esin is now some sort of lesser chief as the orc one was before, but recognized as being under our authority and responsibility to maintain. She was hesitant but I convinced her it was a good offer. If she were to be a central chief she would have to come to all the meetings. I may have taken that idea from the Dozen.


The Xiaoshen’s warrior caste, an odd word choice but all of their words are strange, notably lack weaponry beyond the normal spears and knives. They’re also terrible at making bows by our standards, and even the standards of other clans. Though they have some sort of obsession with unarmed combat and are strangely effective with it. Zhuan and Laisun in particular just carry regular knives for utility purposes and emergencies. Though Laisun has defeated some rather serious monsters with just her hands. She favors choking them. Laisun demonstrated with Iiniwa at his usual training. We watched her crack a tree trunk with a kick. A trick she apparently learned by studying for years and kicking trees everyday until her limbs hardened. It is…interesting at least.

As for scouting clothes, silk is durable at the least so the odds are good. Though it has a bit of a sheen to it so it might not be ideal for stealth.

Sakazai is still lurking in the jungle waiting for an opportunity to track Xiomac. As mentioned before, he didn’t show up on this first attack.

I suppose you make fair points. Though for now I am still preoccupied with the hunt for Xiomac. We’ll see how much I like you guys afterwards.

As for the colors thing, it is still hard to describe what it was like when first learning what I could do. It was just the best attempt I could make, it wasn’t like I could actually see color. I just…felt like I could perceive something that isn’t there but I knew it was.

Why does your spear have such a long head sticking off to the side? Did you just tie a giant tooth onto a stick?

As for bloodline traits, no. That is not something I’ve ever tried at least.

Already beat you to it and made it clear why we’re never doing that one again.


When it comes to silk, Auwana has a few residents you’ve yet to meet. The Huanacan has driders among its number, which produce it far better than any worm we’ve worked with before. Not to mention easier to harvest from, they just lay it in long lines across the trees for us to pick up later. They don’t like being watched while doing this though for some reason. From there we just roll it up onto a stick. The drider silk is enormously thicker and stronger than what we’ve seen before, enough to be used as threads immediately instead of needing to be woven into such.  Apparently they use this for rope most frequently, and the Nezatl have had some ability to use it in clothing but since most of their clothes are made of hides it is again just used as rope or thread. I’ve had some of our weavers experimenting with the stuff, it is definitely a more efficient process.

Caowei went to look around the island in general. According to her the island is about thirty four thousand paces across. The lake itself is perhaps two thousand paces across. It is practically devoid of threats. Apparently once a very large wyvern and several mean birds lived across the island but since the tribe took over they were eradicated. With Pride Rock having the official job of patrolling the island to make sure threatening things don’t just fly up here idly, it has been difficult for anything else to really establish itself here. There are a few mean creatures along the outskirts, particularly near the ponds, though they are not significant enough to pose a clan wide threat. Just don’t let those less inclined to confrontation wander too far from the villages alone. Though the forest to the south of us is quite safe, it seems the presence of the Huanacan dissuades creatures from trying to lurk within it. I am told this has a lot to do with the speaking slimes that inhabit the huanacan, they have a naturally repulsive effect towards other creatures since they smell like acid and not very edible.

In essence, the closer you are to large numbers of people, the less rogue monsters tend to fly in to take a look for a snack, and those that do wander across the island are often found quickly by the denizens of The Pride Rock village who patrol the area. Another notable feature of Auwana, the name of the big floating rock, is that the entire island is ringed by a different kind of tree than anywhere else upon it. They are tall and have needles for leaves, apparently they withstand wind better and make it less windy for all the other trees by breaking it up. This is also why if you stand on the very edge of the island, the winds up here in the sky could just rip you off the ledge. So don’t do that.

When it comes to water, Auwana has no shortages. Up here in the sky they have learned that the clouds are made of a wet material. By placing practically anything to catch the air, water will form on it and drip down. Actually the island is a little too wet sometimes. There is a swamp to the east. The main problem is the island is made of rock underneath the layer of dirt we stand upon. So water does not flow down into the earth naturally and can only escape off the sides. The main lake is stagnant and unsafe to drink as a result, they have not yet found a way to clean it quite yet though have been working on it. So growing our particularly moisture loving rice is not hard. Just dig a hole and stick something above it to catch water and drip down. I am told the Nezatl know how to do this particularly effectively.

Many of the trees in the forest glow, and no one is sure why. They apparently produce a similarly glowing fruit that is safe to eat though if you need to relieve yourself at night you may wish to make sure you have good coverage. There are also some hardy bushes that produce berries, though despite how vast the island is the food is not what you might hope. It is very cold up here in the sky, and only the sturdiest of plants are able to survive. This has been an ongoing issue for the tribe in finding things that can live up here.

The last thing is the caves, there are several ways to get into caves below us, particularly from the mountain. They are not exactly long winding passages unless you can squeeze through the tightest of spaces, but we are told to never ever touch the glowing green rocks. If they are dislodged from whatever they are in, they will fly upwards with incredible force that threatens to tear a person in half if they were to be tied to the ground whilst holding one. I get the impression they figured this out through experience. They believe they have something to do with the reason the island can fly, so they don’t want them messed with and have avoided digging any further into the caves.

As for village prospects, we are technically already set up along the lake in the “temporary” huts the tribe built to welcome us. Apparently they build empty homes in case they ever recruit a new clan, as this is a regular thing for them. We can move to another location if we wish, or just keep these as they already have another empty village to the north in the island’s center. It seems only two clans actually live distant from the lake village itself, which they are now considering might need to be named.

I have talked with the artisans about food, as well as the beastkin shamans. Winter will be here soon, and the shamans warn that it will be harsh. Not only are we so high up that it is already cold, but the island is drifting north towards what Caowei calls the White Lands. Caowei mentions a thing exists further north and in the mountains, it is white and turns into water if you hold it in your hands. She said it was called snow, and it will test the tribe’s ability to survive. We have never made homes particularly resistant to the cold since we lived in the grasslands, where even in winter the sun shines. As such the artisans are wary of planting the crops too soon, as we only were able to bring so many seeds with us. They have also figured out why clothes were of such interest to the tribe. It is going to be cold soon, very cold. While the war is going on, the beastkin and Nezatl have been primarily busying themselves with finding ways to keep everyone warm.

Koamalu, the large black wolf man, informs me that it is important we are aware of the temple of Auwana. Within it lurks the “flame of auwana” that Sawiri made. It is a bonfire that never extinguishes. The temple is also the largest structure on the island, run by the Nezatl Priestess Citlanal. If things become too cold, seeking shelter within the temple may become a necessity though it can only hold so many. So they are seeking solutions in the meantime.

While the artisans of the cloth are well occupied with such easy access to usable high quality silk, the farmers are a bit more concerned about the incoming winter as I mentioned. Caowei says that hides are warmer than the silk we normally use, which admittedly does explain why she wears them. The tribe has been hunting the jungles so ravenously. Not only to stockpile what meat they can, but to get more hides. I’ve been informed by Hakenu’e that we’ll be assisted in this matter as the jungles are too dangerous for the average hunter to even attempt entering, though it is still something we should keep an active focus on since the war they’re in isn’t really ours to deal with just yet. Though I still volunteer to go and see this jungle, if nothing else out of curiosity to see a new land.

As for provoking the tribe, that is honestly hard to do with the exception of the Nezatl. They are tricksters by nature though, it is never truly dangerous. So don’t worry about me angering anyone, I am well disciplined in my behavior. The Dozen might be a bit surly but if you ask them about fighting or weapons they suddenly cannot close their mouths. I am told the only real threat to the tribe’s unity is an ongoing thing the other chiefs are dealing with.


Speaking of which, I need a moment alone with your chief.

Very well, I will excuse myself.


The matter of the threat to our unity is only known to the chiefs and a few others. As a chief you are at least permitted to know about the situation. The denizens of The Rock to the south were normally overseen by the Huanacan. It consisted of harpies, arakkoa, other such flying folk and beasts alike. So it fell within the Huanacan’s domain. Though it had been awhile since anyone went to check in on them. As it turns out, they have found a new leader. Her name is Esin, who we know is one of the major guardians employed by Xiomac in the southern jungles. We didn’t know she was even here for a whole season.

In that time she was able to turn The Rock into a proper village. Where once various creatures made minimal nests for themselves. Now there are proper homes and the people have become organized underneath their newly chosen chief, Esin. The problem is we are having a hard time understanding her intent. She has set herself up in a way that is dangerous to us. By making herself valuable and positioning it such that if we were to turn against her then we would lose a valuable clan. Living here on a floating mountain, you can see how the flying folk are very valuable to the tribe. When speaking with her, she often covers her motives carefully and instead argues her points with very calculated numbers and logic. She could very easily turn on us at the command of Xiomac and cause massive damage in the upcoming war.

I have had reason to suspect her goal is to set herself up into a winning position. If Xiomac defeats us, she remains his guardian and can conquer Auwana for him and keep her position. If we win, she is now the eighth chief of our tribe and holds domain over an important people. It is an ongoing issue, ask Chants or Mor for their opinions on the matter as they have also been dealing with it. For now we’ve taken a welcoming stance towards her in hopes that we don’t make an enemy of someone who we don’t have to. As reported by the Akoa, Esin is one of the most dangerous guardians of Xiomac, so provoking her might not be ideal.

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