I wonder how many characters will die this time.


Shento: Kaja learns his new powers shockingly fast and while he lacks the level of control or raw power that Dracula had, his creativity rivals Vlad’s. Having already developed several techniques to use the power offensively in combination with his own fighting style.

Hector begins the art of finding who is worthy to train as a proper knight. So far he’s crushed a lot of dreams with his callous observations in picking who is worthy. Though notably, he has accepted Alex.

Speaking of which, Alexandria has taken to following the paladins around and trying to learn from them during downtime. Since Carmilla is running the city that leaves her with a lot of free time when there are no messages to relay, and she wants to be able to defend herself if Anna tries to kill her. It iss unclear if Hector accepted her as a student because of her position as high prophet and his superior or if she has any degree of talent though.

The hunt for Ryner begins, but this update isn’t skipping all that much time so they’re currently traveling.

Carmilla begins spy network, fairly easily since people practically beg to make her happy. She’s slowly becoming more and more powerful with her social status and Alex has noticed that if it weren’t for Kaja and Hector, Carmilla would be dangerously close to being capable of a borderline mutiny. Granted, Carmilla has never shown any tendency to disobey the cult or any dissatisfaction but Alex is still scared of the vampires since she knew them as the apex predator of the jungle for awhile before she was selected to join the cult’s upper echelon, years of “hide from the night hunters” has left her a bit edgy around them.

That being said Alex is rapidly becoming politically powerful within the blood jungle as well, the paladins see her as the leader since they are holy warriors they serve the high prophet loyally. As Alex trains among them they are starting to become very familiar with her, similar to the way Song Yi rose to military prominence by training with the soldiers. Anna and the Tyrant clan are noticing how quickly they’ve stopped being a “faction” in blood politics, as its now just Carmilla and Alex. That being said, Carmilla seems to like Alex well enough anyways, so there is no infighting to worry about, but the stark differences between the vampire holdings in Sarnai and the Crimson Order are becoming a bit more apparent.

Lo’c is currently backed up on requests.

The orc chief think tank sort of depends on what you want them to do. Mystic work, maybe some fancy staff to symbolize spiritual leadership. Lead through strength? Axes are classic. Can never go wrong with a fancy helmet either, or even just a symbolic necklace.

The new policies input by Hector and Carmilla hand off a lot of resources to anyone inducted into the Crimson Order’s knights. This turns out to have pretty fast appeal and Kaja brings in an “old friend” once again. Turns out the man knows how to get some recruits in a hurry for war time. Carmilla starts investigating where the hell all these Divus accented, named, and obviously trained warriors are coming from.

Noelle is evidently familiar with Kaja and Hector as they all seem rather chummy. She is more like Hector then Kaja though, exhibiting traits of eloquence and clearly familiar with higher class etiquette. Carmilla is starting to get excited were not for the concern that these people all come from somewhere very specific and no one knows where right now.

Noelle’s power as a black mage is pyrokineticism. As with Hector, she is freakishly advanced in its usage very quickly able to find creative applications to enhance her destructive potential. Carmilla has put more effort into her investigation.

Lin Sun:

In an attempt to apologize to Thandar he punches you so hard you fly through a stone wall, obviously he used his telekinetics to make it hurt more. That was all he said on the matter. Freyja explained that’s how Ofrior forgives people sometimes, and she thought it was sweet how close you two were that he would give you such a traditional rite. That being said you’re aware he hit you WAY harder then you hit him.

The Milenkosi thing is actually a long and complicated affair. First off Eleni and the girls left because Thandar “escorted” them away as per Milenkosi’s advice. Milen pointed out Eleni may not be the prophet with her powerset anymore, but she still thrives on conflict and chaos. She was only here because she knew Eret was going to be a bit crazy and now she’ll be headed back to Atlantis where a power struggle will soon erupt. That girl has some weird issues. While Thandar was dealing with Eleni, Milen pinned Eret down and forced him to take a nap which triggered Eret to decompress all of his experiences as a pirate somehow and rendered him catatonic for awhile, recounting the various experiences to Milen such as Rackham killing his first girlfriend by hanging her from the mast, his pet bird being cooked by the crew when he wasn’t looking and then served to him as a prank, the first few times he had to kill people, the part where he might have been a little raped himself, and many attempts on his life in the middle of the night he barely survived. In the end his problems aren’t cured with a single nap though Milen introduced him to a nice young lady to help him asssimilate back into normal life. He’s now apparently dating Rena the Siren, whose powers turn out to be very effective in calming Eret down when he gets a bit high strung. However, Eret still retains some of his edge as he sets out to train the anti divya air team. Song Yi named him the captain of the air force since he’s the only one with an airship to use in the first place and Eret intends to join the war in full with his newly assembled team.

As a side note, he also encountered Jin Zhang while visiting the dream realm. They recognized each other and began a duel that lasted six hours before they both gave up and went to find something else to do. They are now drinking buddies apparently and are overly competitive at everything.

While he was in Sele’akala Eret unintentionally walked into Song Yi’s fist sixteen times and fell down a flight of stairs. Ira was lended to his sky crew, and he still needs dad’s permission to take Thandar and Kaisa with him.

Songstone proves a popular form of entertainment as it spreads around the nation. The first adventure pack DreamOnā„¢ comes out later this month and the dev team is hanging out in the dream realm to collect artistic renderings.

Special blessed coat complete.

Con Lai:

Jin’s power leveled up is all the powers basically. The other two just get numeric increases.

Your attempt to hook up Jin and Sabriya results in a totally other thing happening. While they don’t exactly start dating they do start hanging out…and Jin is Eret’s new drinking buddy. The dream trio with no skills and all the skills has assembled.

Door opened.

Your new head of PR is dating Eret.

Kikai Senso:

The idea of modular wings turns out to be incompatible with current Jinko models and plans. So instead we made a new one!

RikutoThe Rackham project was inspired to be super modular and capable of having basically batman’s utility belt. The idea is to just have lots and lots of tricks and gadgets in a single frame. Rikuto was chosen to wield it, it carries ranged armaments, melee weapons, Isis gave it the ability to shoot lightning, it has flamethrowers, grappling hooks, what is being called as theĀ  “blast pack” which the Sanika use to create controlled explosions to propel themselves forward by force and then just let momentum take them somewhere. Rikuto also has a variety of ways to change out their armaments and special upgrades. While there aren’t many available yet it leaves room for improvement, but as a whole the frame suffers from its lack of dedication. The modularity means it has many more weak points and far less durability in its construction so it has to rely on its gadgets to overcome people before it gets into a straight up slug fest with something like a Takeshi for example.


Everyone else:

The altepetl forces wait about a days journey away from the Wild border as they ready to assault. Current war council plans pending more group convo:

Eret is going to be the first move they make, using the recon ship he stole as a way to sneak up on them and try to cripple an air fleet near the border and maybe steal more ships. Hopefully he’ll do enough damage in the first night that they’ll be weakened. The plan is for scout Senshi to spread out across the border in a hurry to find the weakest possible spots, they expect it to be near the border to Taiyo. The idea is they can’t have the entire border lined with defenses, somewhere there has to be enough space for a day’s trip into their territory from the edges. Hopefully, can get into their cities and start to attack them while skipping the border conflict entirely. While this makes retreat extremely difficult and is risky in that the army will be surrounded, Saldis’ forces will continue to swell the more people fall either friend or foe.

The basic idea is to get within their land so their long range super weapons and airship cannons can’t be fired without also hitting their own stuff, using their own cities as cover instead of the much flimsier trees of the forest. More planning to be done over conferences.

Also be sure to carefully specify which of your champs is involved in what and who is going to the war etc.

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