Jank Update due to site loss. Doesn’t copy paste well

The Jankest important update

Also the time cycle was 2 months

So first off, the invasion of Sol has begun and Thenica has
already fallen. The underdark is the only place left where they could
survive the bombardment and most of the planet is in ruins. All food
production from the planet has been halted, the aethernet is down, and
the planar terminals are gone. In terms of wider impact, we no longer
have a way to contact Sol or retrieve information from it without the
aethernet without going there personally.

Market wise currency just crashed as it needed the banks in Sol to maintain tracking.
Remember the attack from Jicho that messed up our local Aethernet as well? Money is currently in
a tenuous state. Moncayo has begun rebuilding a banking system to get this under control but right
now expect bartering systems. Currently popular currency stand-ins are food and gold…again.
Mostly because Moncayo put gold to a fixed conversion with credits so that people could use
something physical as a currency until things calm down. It just so happened that they had a huge
stockpile of the stuff due to the décor they used which have been converted into coins. Perhaps a bit
of dark humor given what we know about Faelyn, the coins bear striking resemblance to historical
examples. The ones we used during the Era of Rising. This had an odd side effect on the coin
collection market. Since now those kinds of coins are back in use, the once valuable historical relics
are now worth just one coin all over again.
Since we control Vittles and the physical assets of Auwana are intact we’re doing well its just
a matter of helping people through the confusion of ‘why did the aethernet stop working’. So
electronic banking is not a thing right now. Carry coins!
Other problems include all security checks, ID registration, and so on that used the aethernet
are gone. So guess whose right back at it again? Laura King’s gang suddenly grew explosively
larger and now they have a lot more guns. Due to how hard it is to keep track of everything right
now, Koura City has split into two states that are divided by a highway. With the north side still
under the control of VSEC and Harlus. The south side sees Laura as their governor since she has the
manpower and connections to operate as a governmental force now that we can’t background check
or even get security cameras working for all those people that just popped up working for her.
On the upside, new data is easy to store as Aryn fixed the servers. So we can resume policing
things via security camera but all previous data was lost. I think this was the Revenants trying to
help make Sarden and her friend disappear but it just so happened to be really inconvenient for us
that Laura has always been a problem that’s hard to keep track of.

Other news, mass migration obviously finally kicked in hard. Nine thousand people just
moved to Orchard. Half of them didn’t even tell us they were hopping in a shuttle and going over,
and the aethernet is down so we couldn’t do much about that. Apparently people want to be close to
the food right now given that many of them escaped the destruction of Sol the first time around and
faced famine. Now they want to make sure they don’t have to go through that again. The challenge
here is that orchard is relatively inhospitable still and now its population just increased by 4500
percent. It doesn’t have the infrastructure for this, but people are just pulling up in starships and
living out of them while they continue construction. Notably, Zhuan is the governor of orchard now.
Also notably, a lot of those ships are stolen but we don’t know from who or where. I can guess who
stole them and told everyone this was a great idea though.
Hylavi is keeping calm despite the world crashing down around her and just focusing on one
thing at a time. I guess her apathy helps her in situations like these. Everyone she delegates any part
of her job to is having some stress related issues as we might expect. At this point she’s just trying
to stop the looting. Several fortunes just disappeared in an instant and now people are looking to
make sure they possess as many physical assets as possible. It hasn’t devolved into outright riots or
anything, but they do know its hard for us to keep an eye on security or respond to reports of minor
theft so they’re just kind of sneaking off with things now and then. It’s not too bad, Auwana’s
stability in the wake of the first invasion has kept people fairly mild mannered. Also we’ve been
able to fall back on Madhammer as a display of still controlling things. I wouldn’t really worry
about it, Hylavi has it under control and the rise in theft is still just a minor hiccup since Vittles
made sure that starvation hasn’t really kicked in. Just keep an eye on the growing appeal of Laura to
the people.
Somnus on the other hand is pretty much stable. The crash of the economy has some people,
especially those who received the parasite treatments, moving down to Koura to get a hold of some
land they can work. Also several members of Koura are doing this as well. People going off to start
their own farms and small self-sufficient towns to weather events like these that are predicted to
start becoming all too frequent. Not a major problem, but we can’t really tax them or go over land
rights. However, it’s a planet. There’s plenty of room and we’ve opted to just let them do that since
at worst they come back to the city looking to loot supplies and at best we get some new towns and
civilian run farms out of this.
Piracy is on the rise across the frontier though Auwana isn’t doing too bad on this front.
Somnus is a very large and militarized station, so we’re not the easiest pickings and most of these
pirates are former civilians gone rogue. Not quite professionals like Solvang or the Nomads, so
they’re not equipped to challenge VSEC just casually patrolling the system. However, reaching
Jamalia is a bit more complicated.
That’s the basics at least. So anyways, FO-234 is now under Kar’Soluth siege. We don’t have
the forces to stop that invasion and are now focusing on extraction and evacuation of civilians who
are at least cooperative with us. It’s bad enough that the fleet is equipped for planetary conquest, but
the next issue is the sympathizers who like Vloz more than us due to whatever propaganda is going
on around there. Koda is doing his best to keep things under control but he’s up against a fleet with
outright more firepower. Not to mention our carrier from Moncayo is on a bit of a delay thanks to
all of the ongoing problems. The only thing keeping Koda afloat is probably the Nomads, who got
aboard one of the assault carriers after it had deployed its forces a bit too eagerly and then they
managed to sneak in. They couldn’t take the whole ship, due to size, security, and standing forces.
Though they, and the Iron Gnoll, took the engine. As in they detached the engine somehow and
turned it on so it crashed into the star. So one of their assault carriers is now a space station.
As for exploration of the rift, the first thing to take note of is the planet that the sahad entity
was guarding. We were only able to visit it briefly before encountering said entity, now we’re able
to land on it and really poke around. It’s a misshapen mess with different atmospheres in different
areas. We think its actually a testing ground where this entity would try out new life forms, largely
because the koura parasite is in all of the continents on the planet. Apparently it really liked those
things or was using them to some other ends we’re not currently aware of.
Exploring the tunnels through space has been slow going as we map them out to make sure
no one flies off the edge of the universe on accident. Speaking of which, we threw a probe off the
edge of the universe to see what happens. They were never found again. Though with the aethernet

down that does hurt the range they could be detected at.
Khymin and the Golbotics company are currently working on more golems to help with the
new settlements that are popping up independently by all the refugees and citizens who just don’t
want to be in the big city anymore. So thats going well but the issue is selling them is a whole other

So Sol’s on fire, that’s bad. Jamalia is fortunately self sufficient ever since
Vittles moved into the neighborhood but being cut off from the aethernet is a
major blow for us. Auwana has Nah division and Aryn to restore functionality
and maintain networks to some extent. Jamalia is now an isolated colony filled
with pandem people who already had issues operating the aethernet properly.
Only top level commanders have any access to remote communication and they
often need Aryn to manually assist with getting messages across, as I’m doing with you now.
So the phantoms are currently mildly agitated because one thing did not go according to plan.
Song Yi and Kharla have been talking to each other without jumping to murder one another. This is
kind of why they hate Kharla, she’s a bit unpredictable. They’re not exactly getting along but right
now Song Yi is hiding out in the underdark with the Vloz’Khress.
Song Yi also pulled another fast one on Kanika, really more so Laesaaria did, and brought
back one of the older heirs instead of choosing a new one that Kanika could make some sort of
easier plans around. Auni Kuu, who apparently Nah division has a history with, returned as the heir
to song in the wake of Adin’s death. So that’s a thing if you notice Valadeus being a bit cranky about
the whole situation.
This comes at the same time as both Adin and Yasice died, thus making the Sharen and Song
alliance a little less solid so who knows whats going on with all the Great House relationships.
With the death of Yunalesca, 314-C are just a handful of stragglers now who are operating
rogue since the Alnae government is collapsing. Zarra Sarghess also died which has put House
Sarghess into a bad position as they desperately want to power struggle for a new matriarch but its a
really bad time to do so. So they tried to do it quickly and sneakily to get things back on track but
then eight people tried to do it and now they’re imploding while also being shot at by aliens. It’s
This is in part due to the absence of contact from Yasrena, she’s not that far away. She’s on
Thenica still but with the aethernet down and having to rely on very limited communications range
they’re just shooting themselves in the foot without someone to tell them to sit down and shut up.
As planned, Eliza Pierce has taken over House Jaal’darya.
Frayne Ankou, Arkaric’s trusty lieutenant, also died during the invasion which hasn’t really
affected Selona’s organization much but he’s not terribly happy about it. This has resulted in
Shanhai becoming his new trusty lieutenant instead of just his attack dog.
Meanwhile on SR3, Azilath is up against a wall after being bombarded by the alien fleet. The
Valdir forces were split across several planets to help out where they could, but the aliens very
specifically went after SR3 because they don’t like Sol having access to silnian technology. Azilath
and the other valdir monarchs are still putting up the meanest fight but they’re also being directly
focused on by both the alien invasion and the phantoms. Not even sure if the Emperor could make
that much of a difference, he’s not so good with the fleet combat.
Meanwhile one of the members of the Phantoms was assassinated, amidst all of this a good
few of the new recruits along with one of the higher council members were taken out by the
Revenants. We’ve also learned from the attacks that Sarden and Morylan are a part of a trio. Sarden
is the youngest of the three sisters, meaning there is a third and more dangerous one. All three are
expert melee combatants and assassins. We don’t know who the third one is, just that they were seen
by the phantoms during the assassinations and were very apparently the best of the three. Baltun has

been looking more into this and why its useful. I’m just keeping an update on the rosters and what
they’re doing.
That’s sort of the general report of what all the big shots we keep track of are doing.
The merkas integration isn’t really affected by this as they were already a tribal society who
had never seen the concept of a credit card before so I doubt they care too much. However their
culture and knowledge of the land is bleeding into the knights as much as we are bleeding into
them. Especially with the new makeover of Jamalia, which the merkas who now live here have
started decorating. With a lot of bones, sticks, and furs.
Aku has settled in well to taking over Jamalia’s management since he’d already been here as
one of Reika’s apprentices for awhile. He’s pointed out the overall merkas integration has a quirk,
they’re responding more to Haziel than to us. Partially because Haziel just appears wildly all over
the place and despite our massive technological advantage, they have no idea what all the shiny
things do or why they’re impressive. They can very quickly figure out why Haziel is amazing since
her abilities play with their understanding of the world more directly. Fortunately, Haziel is helping
us in this regard but its having an affect on the culture of the integration.
So there’s a new cult going on in Jamalia, they call themselves the Chosen Wolves. We can
definitely blame this one on Eerihild. Currently they have no real recognition or standing. It’s kind
of a gang that formed on its own that is led by the Order. Basically its a clique composed of Squires
led by Eerihild and by now a fair dozen merkas and a couple of arcurans. So this group pretty much
worships Haziel so strongly that the racial tensions broke down in favor of mutual fear of the giant
wolf monster that tore apart several villages. You know, Haziel’s werewolf form that is the size of a
damned barn. Turns out putting the fear of god into people makes them a bit less concerned about
how much they dislike each other. That and they were all given lycanthropy by Eerihild, who I only
learned can do that just last week. I mean it makes sense but I just didn’t really think anyone other
than Haziel could, but I guess it does have a means of spreading after all. So now they’re all
convinced that they aren’t merkas or arcuran anymore and are now wolves. Reminder, they’ve never
actually seen a regular ass wolf from Thenica. So…they’re furries with swords, fangs, and a cult like
mentality of believing Haziel is a god. She says she’s not but its hard to convince the merkas or
arcurans that she isn’t one since they have nothing else to compare her to.
Speaking of which, did you know arcurans could contract lycanthropy? I didn’t. That shit is
fucking scary. Anyways I don’t know if we should do something about this behavior. The squires
seem to like having their own little gang that gets wolf powers, and its creating a group with less
racial tension between these two I guess. A small group at least for now. Encouraging the behavior
might help with establishing a nation on this planet, though could result in a cultural shift within the
order itself. Right now Eerihild is the main component of it though she’s still only a squire, this
would kind of put her on track to becoming chapter master of some crazed wolf cult. Though
technically they’re rixa specialists who are extremely effective in melee combat. But it kind of
creates an actually separate group just a little? I mean Alex and Reika have their own teams and
bases but they’re still largely ‘go team astral’. Suddenly we could be dealing with Reika being the
celestial lord of lightning, Alex being the keeper of pure knowledge, and Eerihild leading ‘wolf
knights’ all over the place.
Alex thinks there is merit to specialized groups for different planes, even if not for
deployment the individual groups could help with training. With the advent of the mono-planar
knight it might be a worthwhile exploration of the idea. He’s also pretty sure it won’t get too far out
of control, just on the basis that Eerihild is a teenager having fun making a gang and not a serious
threat to unity so much as someone just exploring their potential. That and the real threat is if Haziel
wants to start anything since she’s not an official member, does not take orders from us, and could
take Enohas from us on a whim if she felt so inclined right now. Though her whims currently seem
to be hunting giant monsters in the woods and messing with the merkas settlements in ways that
favor our goals since she needs us to take over the planet for her to get what she wants from Kanika.
I asked Reika as well and she just stared at me for several seconds trying to figure out how to
politely inform me of how little fucks she gives about any of this. She has bigger issues.

Meanwhile the movement spawned in the wake of Nihlav’s death continues to find
sympathizers, they aren’t much of a threat though but it has sort of infiltrated into other merkas
cities by way of tall tales. Also the fact that Haziel has made an arcuran named Okkal one of her
prominent assistants. I say prominent assistant but every merkas and arcuran is definitely saying
something in their language a bit more similar to ‘prophet’.
Back in Auwana, Riftgard construction has finished and become a major launch point for
VSECs explorations into the Astral Warrens. We’re still moving things around in there but its at
least operational enough for that purpose. Also not long after it finished a demon appeared aboard,
one of Valadeus’ officers. They haven’t really done much, they’re just keeping an eye on things.
They informed us that they were considering the possibility of the location for phantom operations
compared to that of Moncayo. While Moncayo is already built and extremely well defended and
made to suit the various anatomies of the Phantoms, the astral warrens are a very interesting
location especially if we can find a route to get closer to Sol. So basically they’re just surveying the
area to see how interested in it they are.
The carrier has deployed towards Enohas with its first load of people from Moncayo. So
we’re getting a population boost but its likely to cause friction with the local still-developing
culture. At least that is Aku’s concern. The merkas are just really coming into the reality of a larger
galaxy to explore while also finding their place within it. As mentioned, Eerihild used this to start
her own little gang and they’ve been experiencing a cultural revolution. However, that revolution is
taking place within the presence of the Astral Order primarily. A sort of safe and understandable
space, once we have thousands of refugees from all walks of Sol it might make things a bit messier
for them. Not exactly a huge issue, just something Aku is keeping track of.

Cats, your a kitty cat, and you dance dance dance and you dance dance
dance. Hehe, oh I’m going to put so many videos of you on the aethernet once
that’s back up. Anyways, at least you’re not goop now.
We’ve been keeping tabs on the frontier colonies after ferrying people
around them and the general impact of the fall of Sol. As it turns out, Solvang
was completely untouched by the invasion since they knew it was coming and had no assets that
they couldn’t just move. While their old asteroid hideout everyone knew about is gone, they now
have just picked up all their ships and taken off into frontier space where they can be safe for
Traveling among the frontier has become extremely dangerous now as a result. Basically 40th
day is now locked down, pirates took out 4 of our ships and all of the refugees on them and we don’t
know where they went from there. Our friends at the Nah division have found out they set up their
own aethernet beacon network on key ships that is on a private channel. So they can still contact
one another but no one else can find them, probably to avoid everyone asking about their bank
accounts right now. The Nomads however could probably still figure out how to get in touch with
them if they wanted but they’re busy. The main point being, do not leave Que until ARC is there to
escort you or our odds of getting kidnapped go up dramatically.
Other colonies who relied on trade to keep themselves afloat, particularly in terms of key
resources, are crashing fast. In their desperation they look for anyone with enough of a fleet to help
them re-establish trade routes. In this desperation they found Faelyn once again, whose fleet helped
at the ambush but is still mostly intact. Though piracy is on the rise and some colonies are just
being completely overtaken by pirates since those are the people who can get them what they need
to survive. I’d say this is the only competition Faelyn faces for being Empress of the frontier, but we
know the pirates work for Asmodan who works for the phantoms. So basically the Phantoms now
control the entire frontier in a very direct manner. I have a feeling had Renjala not joined them, we’d
be in deep shit right about now.
We also need to be concerned with the frontier as a warzone, Nelta are deploying squadrons
out into the frontier to eradicate our colonies to try and crush Sol out of the galactic scene. So since
we’re stuck here at Que for the forseeable future, we might want to do something with all these
drones still roaming around the city. Maybe just throw them back into the ichor pit for some

The aethernet backup project, as you may remember, failed spectacularly and we lost a lot of
the pre-existing stuff. We tried to download more stuff while we could before the aethernet went
down but we didn’t get enough to consider that significant. Most of what we have is just technical
stuff for science and so the vivarium doesn’t go backwards in progress by losing all our
encyclopedias of animals we know about.
The Iron Gnoll has been with the nomads for a bit now, we’ve just been mostly focusing on
the alien invasion that is burning Sol and leaving them to their own devices. If you’re curious, he
caught up with them by crash landing into the middle of a firefight and then proceeded to attack a
bunch of aliens, maybe a couple of civilians on accident, and then ran off screaming around the
block. Two days later he ran back while still screaming and attacked more things. The Nomads don’t
seem remotely phased by this behavior and Andal is good at directing him to run screaming in the
correct direction.
As for Sarden and civilian casualties, its worth noting that the Revenants definitely see
themselves as chaotic good. They’ve never hurt civilians before and their attacks are timed
specifically to keep them away. They had a brief meetup with Jhaeros during the terror of Toxyn
and he’s a bit crazy but as you’ve noticed by now he’s not really a member of them. So you don’t
have to be too concerned about stuff like that.
Getting Larazja to therapy might be tricky given that she’s still here and we left the therapists
on Somnus. Though fine I won’t dissect her, she’s been cooperative anyways with Cassir keeping an
eye on things. Speaking of which she’s out of her cage and just hanging around with Cassir.
Everyone likes Cassir apparently, which is useful for me. As long as you don’t forget to take her
with you when going to unexplored places that are covered in undead alien monstrosities. If you try
to go somewhere alone again, I’m locking you in a kitty carrier until you put all your assets into my
name so that if you die I at least keep my funding.
As for the science, Larazja is the ichor’s queen of the synapse. At least she’s designed that
way, and she has mild psionic abilities due to the mutation but no real skill at it. At best Cassir has
taught her how to meditate quietly. After a few exercises it became evident that she could control
the drones wandering around the ruins of Que, not quite easily but she has the potential to do so.
Though we were able to get you to replicate the same results in about five minutes, advantages of
being an already accomplished psionic I suppose.
As for the Ichor in general, it is kind of an abused puppy at this point. Prone to lashing out
and creating monsters to protect itself due to what it went through after the last year at this facility.
It doesn’t really have as much feeling as the statement implies but it was the best way to get you to
understand what its doing and behaving like. Ever since the suppression beacons were removed it
has been behaving a bit more aggressively. As if it believes it won and now just needs to expand, it
keeps making small vermin-like creatures to bring more material back to it and help it grow the
biomass collection. Scans indicate there is a much larger life form inside the ichor being formed but
progress is slow, too slow. I think its trying to collect enough material to finish the project without
risking everything it has left.
It is somewhat fascinating to learn how even the simplest life forms of silnian creation can
demonstrate this level of adaptability and strategic thinking. It shows a clear ability to respond to its
situation and interpret ongoing events. As well as an ability to plan for the future and assume
multiple possibilities and outcomes. Were it not for the fact that Cassir can outright tell its not
intelligent I’d assume it was. It’s more of an extremely complicated AI program, lacking true
sapience but having advanced problem solving abilities anyways.
Moving on, I fed the ichor to Balhast just to see what a parasite advanced as him does with it.
He’s in a containment unit while a war between bio-mutators with different origins battle for control
of his biology. I was curious if a highly developed parasite could hold up against a silnian ichor
brought to its lowest point. A battle between the weakest of ichors and the strongest of parasites
created by a sahad entity. So far it seems pretty even. Just don’t open the door even if you hear the
whining noises. It’ll sort itself out eventually.

Salied is also moving again now that she’s at Phoenix. The disconnect from the aethernet
seems to have helped her, which is strange. Usually only psionics can feel the presence of the
aethernet, but I guess that is precedent for it to be possible. She’s currently just wandering outside
and trying to figure out what is going on all over again. I’ll head to Phoenix labs after we’re done
here to check on her personally. In the meantime the scientists are keeping her occupied and
checking for relapses in her behavior.
Peter and Madhammer made contact with Seiyomi. Who is, as expected, slippery. We didn’t
even notice he was on Koura until he made contact with Gunhild. As it turns out, he is indeed part
of a much larger hidden network. This network is a less so a combined operation like the Phantoms
or Nah division and is more of a loose collective of people who know certain truths that others do
not and operate independently of one another. Their collective is more of a forum they can all
access, and they are most interested in the existence of reality shattering phenomena. This is a group
that deals specifically in the study of things that defy all known laws of existence. They’re a bunch
of nerds with a chatroom, but all of them are learned in deep secrets and conspiracies. They chase
after cosmic entities, the legendary artifacts, time travel, and negentropic magic. Seiyomi also
revealed that the things he calls ‘the legendary artifacts’ can be traded to someone who grants wishes
in exchange for them. As proven with Nila, but this is a bit less of a wild ‘I think I know a guy’ and
is just part of his collective’s introductory brochure. This group has its fingers in several other
organizations, though more so to collect sightings of interesting phenomena rather than
manipulating events.
Short version, he’s a nerd chasing after big foot but he actually knows where nessie is. Peter
was able to at least keep his attention for the time being so he doesn’t just wander off into nowhere.
However, the catch to that, is they had to tease him with the existence of a scientist who was able to
capture a sahad entity. So basically, he’s waiting for me to come back to Auwana and have a chat.
I’m debating if I just send an agent, not sure I want his collective to know my identity or where I
work out of.
The salvage teams noted that they did not find Vamon’s ship. They also didn’t find a few alien
ships they were expecting to find in the area. The problem with this is that the Abyss is an odd place
and normal methods of tracking where they might land could be pointless. They’ve just been
throwing probes into the literal and metaphorical abyss to see if any of them find it.
Also when you say ‘rebuild the fleet’ I don’t know what you want me to do with that. Just
spend all your money on ships or just get five ships or what?

The vivarium has shipped its first male merkas to Jamalia to just sort of see how that whole
thing pans out. Also sheep have never been endangered so…yes we got a few of those for wool
Ihaslu and the gang are having some mild panic attacks that their own world was destroyed
and now the new one they’re hanging out at just lost its homeworld to alien invaders they didn’t
know exist. Kind of a matter of understanding the scope of things I suppose. I haven’t been keeping
much track of them. Speaking of our other alien visitor, Nah found him trying to contact Nelta to
get a ride out of here once again. Though not having the best luck it seems, I’m willing to bet the
reason he wasn’t able to contact them before was due to some sort of disruption. Almost as if
something very deliberately makes sure we cannot establish contact with them until its far too late
to stop this war.
Also Adryn is here, though he arrived a little later than Cassir who was the first responder.
Also Cassir just sort of handled everything on her own. There are no other colonies under Que’s
registration. They just worked out of this base, their fleet was at the pandem ambush ordeal so they
weren’t around to help or notice why it went quiet. This has put them in an awkward position
overall and they’re currently parked at Moncayo.
We’ve lost contact with Bardhe and money is currently of very questionable value. Aethernet
down and all, so he’s just out there in Sol somewhere doing who knows what.

For our part we’ve been focusing on the general movements of political
factions and keeping tabs on how the war is affecting their relations with one
another. Right now there is a bit of unity among them due to the common enemy
though its clear that we’re about to enter a tumultuous time of politics very soon.
The Alnae empire is already splintering a second time but this time due to
lack of ability to contact one another. There is an ongoing feud between Kaylen and that councilor
we were supposed to kill before this happened, between the continued powers of the high council
and that of the Grand Marshall. The Ultra Carrier of Alnae’s was destroyed by a direct conflict with
Guardian which has muddled politics up even more in these uncertain times.
Shetou and Kar’Soluth on the other hand seem to be doing better than expected. With both
returning to the underdark for safety. Alnae may have fled to other planets to regroup, but Shetou
and Kar’Soluth now have the only remaining bastion of civilization in the underdark. While tensions
between them are still particularly strong, it is notable that Yasrena is what is keeping these tensions
propped up more so than the expected Vloz’Khress. With Kharla unexpectedly saving Song Yi and
her house to protect them in the underdark, the situation is volatile but under development.
Valdir is doing fine in terms of unity. They’re not doing great as they’re taking the most of the
attention from the invaders but their zealous faith means that even without direct communication
they stay on the same basic page and can reconnect with ease. Their ideologies aren’t diverging
from one anther at all and there is no friction between the various factions. At least politically, the
rankings of each of their power is definitely changing as each group fares different levels of damage
from the ongoing bombardments. Though even if Azilath has lost the most, they still seem to agree
she’s one of the major queens and her power not at all diminished. Blind theocracy seems to be a
very sturdy political structure in the face of this kind of situation.
We’ve also done our best to keep tabs on the revenants after Elgrim managed to get a tracking
beacon onto them. Which became relevant when Sarden and the gang assassinated a prominent
member of the phantoms. This led to the revelation that there are three of these blademasters who
use true strike and a bunch of other ethi augments to suit their style. The third of which being
largely unknown due to being just better at her job and thus harder to prove exists. Though knowing
that there are three legendary assassins working together like this gave us something more to go on
in the effort to research what we can about the revenants.
First off, the three sisters have too similar and specific of a style to just be random chance and
it gave us something to look into. It is likely that they specifically come from a Shetou house at
some point. We know all three of them use very similarly styled swords, which indicates they are
likely from the eastern houses of Shetou at some point. Given the rumors of their relationship we
don’t think they’re actually biologically related. We saw Morylan when she broke out Sarden and
she was clearly of a different ancestry. Likely a half drow, this also indicates more towards the
Shetou theory as Shetou culture features very liberal adoption policies. With people declaring
themselves family members being quite common. Also, not to sound racist but drow are definitely
the place to go if you were wanting to learn to be some sort of ninja assassin like the three of them
clearly are.
We also took some time to look into the identity of the third member, supposedly she is not
the oldest but the strongest of them as warriors. Rumors state that she can stand up to warriors like
Reika based on pure skill. There is no rumor that indicates she specializes in any type of magic, just
has a lot of unique gear pieces. Some say she was trained by Indal but we’re pretty sure that one is
far fetched and just a guess based on her being an expert warrior over any other type of combatant.
So things being what they are it’ll be hard to track them amidst the collapse of Sol but we at
least have a way to narrow down where three prominent members of the Revenants are from. There
is also likely to be several more of them, the three sisters not being the head of the organization but
the acting field agents. Jicho being an example of a much more powerful influence among them.

This is as much as we can get for now though and a lot of it is admittedly guesswork. The stealth
cruiser is currently moving through Sol to try and figure out some more details.
Right now we’ve managed to regroup most of the team back here on Somnus. So everyone’s
home except for the Nomads who are still helping Lancaster deal with the FO-234 situation.

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