Finally, after 27 fucking updates it triggered. And then Tess had to go and steal all the attention.


Stories of Lore 26


At the very least his garage medic is apparently very good, if he had been any worse you’d certainly be dead. I can have cybernetics installed for you, I could also attempt to regenerate you with the parasites but damage this extensive could have unpredictable side effects. I’ll try to make the rest of the briefing quick, I don’t imagine you want to talk much right now. At least not until we fix your jaw so you can respond. Give me your hand, this is an old archaic device called an analog keyboard. It has texture on the main keys so you can find it to try and communicate. It has the same layout as the ones we use from projections, they were based on this one back before we converted to the projection style of computer.

With the recent revelations we’ve encountered, at least we figured out how he’s getting around so easily. The original deck constructions and all of Koura still have Kyven as an administrator, and obviously he has an intimate knowledge of the station’s layout and original security. A lot of which we’re still using despite the updates. Despite posing as an outsider who is just winging it, he clearly targeted Hylavi because she was the major threat to his ability to move freely since she understood every security system on the station. Between her, Winter, and yourself…he is crippling our surveillance. There is only one person left who knows how the station really works, and he just got kidnapped as well.

Laura and Satsujin have accepted the offered positions at least. You’re hearing from me instead of Laura because you’re in my hospital and not in any state for virtual communication. If you’re lucky, this will be the last you see of me. Hrm? Oh right you’re on Madhammer’s base. Kyven has clearly infiltrated Somnus and with the Lowest Decks compromised there is nowhere he can’t access on the station it turns out. Madhammer’s base is a newer construction and its security systems are independent, even if we’re short staffed here it is the one place that is likely safe now. Well…this and the Ash labs. I figured you would preferred to be here. We also know he doesn’t have access to the Astral Order’s manor, since they built their own steamworks door that doesn’t use the same interface systems. Though I’m pretty sure he can get into there if he wanted to.

Zenaka is going well enough. A lot of people are dead but the orbital shield was secured. VSEC is setting up base camp to protect it, though at the cost of the territory we formerly held. Placing the orbital cannons at greater risk but if we lose the shield we’ll just become target practice.

I know now is reaaaally not the time for bad news like this but…so remember how Ilex put the Ichor on the Milenkosi and tried to become its king? We’ve lost control of the ship, it’s now overrun with silnian monsters and half the crew was eaten before we managed to evacuate.

A few of our outposts were also taken while we were busy focusing on the shield generator. Though things currently stand in our favor but Kar’Soluth is recruiting more and more locals every day. One of these native armies took some of our defensive cannons along the eastern border, we’ve built more since then but a ways back meaning some ground has been lost.

However, with control of the orbital shield we can now move on their orbital cannons and once we have that Koda and ARC can launch an actual assault on their fleet. Not to mention their fleet is still bleeding ships because the Nomads keep sneaking aboard and causing all kinds of problems.

As for finances, okay now it’s becoming a real problem, we can’t really upkeep things anymore. The city is falling apart and people are going hungry by the thousands. The only thing holding it together is it turns out Laura really knows her stuff in delaying the inevitable very big problem we’re about to have. While credits still haven’t really stabilized, we’re kind of out of everything except Vittles production since that just grows out of the ground. Fortunately, that’s powerful bartering to keep our workers working for the time being. But just keeping an eye on things because with the invasion back in Sol starting to wind down bit by bit it won’t be long until it re-establishes and then we’ll have to…figure out some options I suppose.

Yes, put your phylactery all up in Eden’s cave.

So let’s start with the big thing. Apparently Sarnai summoned a god into a battlefield, which was great for us even if you and Alex now smell burnt. Which is not good for undead. Please take a shower and submerge yourself in scented oils. Because of the aethernet issues we haven’t really been able to research this “Ankathi” very much. Since she could only be present for an hour, even though her power is enough to turn the fight that wasn’t even the entire duration of the remaining battle. So Alexander never got to talk to her or ask a bunch of questions. Though now he’s studying Sarnai to try and figure out how to do it again or at least contact The Fate at will. Also Sarnai has proven her capability in this campaign so she’s been promoted to a full knight, this has nothing to do with the fact that she can literally summon a god under specific circumstances. Definitely nothing to do with her becoming one of the most important members of the order overnight. Nothing at all.

We’ve also seen to working on/with Halaestra, her paranoia is still a bit of a thing that has to be worked around. You also don’t have the upstanding reputation required to circumvent it…being a secretive lich and all. So that’s ongoing.

As for the actual battles ongoing, the minefield has lost its self replication and been destroyed by Nelta’s fleet though their fleet is practically in ruins after taking near constant bombardment from Jamalia the entire time. We managed to repel their ground assault but Reika was severely injured from her battle with Rikoy who yet lives. He’s still somewhere in the forest and we can’t find him, and given by the reports that means we’re all still in great danger. If anything he gets more dangerous when he’s alone against impossible odds I hear. We’re keeping Jamalia locked up pretty tight, not like he could sneak in but we’re concerned of him just running straight through the front door. Why does this whole situation feel vaguely familiar…

We’ve also singled ourselves out as a high priority target for Nelta for sure now. Though we’ve heard no word of any additional reinforcements just yet. Apparently they’re panicking over the new dreadnought roaming around Sol in the shape of a giant mecha dragon. That would be Orochi who is consuming exerlus to grow as he hunts down the rest of them to prepare to ascend into becoming a titan like Guardian was.

Also the Phantoms have been revealing some of their members which has been confusing for Sol and Nelta alike. There’s a beholder running a refugee colony now filled with people who will take the apparently benevolent beholder over alien annihilation. What’s actually more interesting for us is to note which phantoms did not make an appearance as grand saviors. Specifically Vidarius the revenant responsible for a two millenia long war between elf and drow. I’m quite certain they do not intend to ever reveal the founders for what they are. Faelyn acts as the forward image of Kanika and the empire of dragons. You are the godslayer’s forward presence, and Yasrena is Vidarius’ front.

You can see how Nelta is busy, as with Guardian destroyed they’re being pushed back in several areas. Jamalia just being another of them. This buys time for Somnus at least, as Nelta is too busy with all of this to really converge on Auwana as they clearly originally planned. The damage to the Sol territories is done though, and it seems the Phantoms are now orchestrating the end of the invasion as they see fit.

Caaaalled it. So did Azilath I suppose. The ichor is running rampant and has taken over the Milenkosi. This is why I have a lab with containment cells. I can only throw out wild theories since I’m still at Ash but I’m guessing you’re imprinted to the Que pool that made you now so it’s not accepting you as king even if you did technically make it. It’s not perceptive enough to grasp all the nuances of the situation, just assumes you’re from the other pool and it needs to set itself up properly.

It didn’t break you down into biomatter, just repaired your design and sent you on your way so I think there is another layer to how ichor works. Since you have the imprint of Valdir it assumes you’re an ally but since you’re from the Que pool it assumes you have another role to play since the two pools are not connected via a synapse. So you’re still Larazja’s cat as far as it’s concerned.

It also doesn’t recognize your alliances so it clearly can’t discern much of your thoughts or higher level thinking. Just carries out its programming so to speak. Which is why it took over Milenkosi to spread itself. Turns out messing with silnian juice was a bit too much to ask of the Kaiju freighter’s mobile lab. At least it’s contained to Lancaster’s carrier for now. Though if it finds a way onto the other ships in the fleet she’s going to be pissed. I have good news for you though, she’s currently crippled and cannot speak so you have a little while to fix it before she throws you out an airlock.

Fascinatingly though, the drones produced by your new pool seem to be fantastically aggressive and just ran straight through the Kaiju’s containment once it got ahold of enough biomass to make something for itself. Then it released infectious spores and oh for fucks sake it stole that design from you taking a dip. That’s Que’s trick. So it got through the ventilation systems of the Milenkosi, spread itself, and then like that one jungle parasite it walked their asses to its pool and consumed them. You might want to check everyone who successfully evacuated, if it gets started on Zenaka it’ll run wild.

As for speaking with Bardhe, no can do. We can’t find him without Aryn, he’s just…roaming around Koura looking for Kyven. Well probably Somnus now. As you can see, the hunt for Kyven is still ongoing.

Nelan is still an Alnae loyalist for whatever that’s worth. For now he’s still just here on Somnus diplomatically.

As for Larazja, she’s starting to come around and figure out who she is. Getting more used to her new body and controlling the swarm. I’d say she’s technically working for us simply because she has nowhere else to go and responds well to my orders. It might be worth sending her to Zenaka to try and clean up the mess on Milenkosi since she’s recognized by Que as a queen. It would also help me discern more about the nature of how the synapse works. To that end we could probably also send Satsujin, as she is a former synapse commander as well. Though…she hands her hands full back here.

Also Adryn can’t get to Enohas right now. See before he left Eleazor said he had a big problem…and Adryn went to help…and then Adryn nearly died. So he’s in the hospital.

The device you’re thinking of doesn’t kill anyone who looks at it. Just a lot of people who look at it. It’s very random when it wants to work. Also don’t worry, I’ve got no plans to go anywhere anytime soon. I’m still furnishing my new lab, do you think mahogany desks would be better or should I get one of those steel neon backlit tables? I feel like my office should be menacing but elegant instead of edgy.

Oh right, Peter is in the hospital too with Adryn. He did manage to help vet personnel for Lancaster’s teams. Which went great, up until everything went to hell for everyone. He did actually find a few infiltrators along the way, bonus.

40th Day is out mining asteroids and as for probes…yeah I suppose if you wanted to initiate the ritual and target a probe we could get that to work. Might be good for the Astral Warrens in some way.

The Vivarium is on high lockdown as you requested.

So Jhaeros was ‘killed’ during his attack on our offices by Vanjin once again. He’s not really anywhere around. I have Vanjin and Elgrim currently protecting our Koura offices in case anything similar should happen again, especially if they were to somehow figure out Laura is being kept there.


The rebuilding of the lowest decks has been put on hold while the Kyven situation is fixed up given what we’ve learned about him recently. I’ve also been informed that Aryn is still alive just not here right now and Ilex has been barred from contacting her. I imagine if Renjala tries to rift to bring her here before Kyven is resolved he’ll aggravate the same forces that are keeping Ilex from contacting her. I suspect she is in some situation that prevents her from returning for the time being, though assuming they are good to their word that we can have her back afterwards then we can wait on rebuilding the Somnus offices a little as they were mostly a necessity for her than anyone else.

Our forces are currently spread far and wide and helping out with the various ongoing situations, just a little quieter about it.

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