Songbowl and Aetas vs Atlantis….hype

Shentu Wo: 1104 Power, 1284Followers
Kikai Senso: 3,698 Power, 90 Followers, Next Form Progress: 24%
Lin Sun: 1605 Power, 984 Followers
Con Lai: 1847 Power, 1567 Followers
Caine: 1692 Power, 985 Followers

Issue 18


The Northbound army deploys an advanced team composed of Makaio, Ira, Gaetas, Tihalt, Takeshi, Anna, and a variety of lesser known forces to intercept and distract any Jakaal from approaching the main army. While it can’t possibly stop the Jakaal hopefully it baits them from sending too much at the major forceĀ  for now, this is mostly to protect high value targets because the Jakaal are notorious for taking those out first.

Song Yi and hte main force continues its march and will be a little bit before it gets there.

Meanwhile, the Aetas sets sail for Atlantis as well. Despite the combined efforts of Eret, Maona, and Malgogi, two ships were lost to the Kraken. Eret points out these losses were unavoidable and this was as minimal as he could get them when trying to take down the biggest threat left in the ocean. Storms beset the fleet however, and the ocean is pretty much a dick whether there is a sea god or not behind it. The journey continues, but while Eret does know how to find Atlantis he also knows that it can move, a part of this voyage is just the effort of finding it, and even after defeating the Kraken they’ve a long ways to go. The battle left several ships damaged as well, and upon finding an island the Atlantis bound fleet decided to take some time to repair and regroup while waiting out the ocean storms. It didn’t take Eret long to realize something was up with the island though, because his foresight is being muddled with. The team debates taking time to explore it while ships repair and storms settle, or if they should try to avoid as much as possible in case of taking unwanted casualties long before even reaching Atlantis.

Back at Svarga things are relatively quiet, but its only been a short while. Velius has a bad feeling that its too quiet given the recent war and unlike when they occupied Bellary, they lack an Eret to single out the more problematic people ahead of time.



For the most part plans begin getting done but this update only encompasses about a month’s worth of time at best. Applicants for the Shento colony program will take a bit longer just to get to where they are going but so far things are looking promising.

Alex is technically away for the time being undergoing training.

As a member of the advance team, Anna proves herself yet again by butchering five of the jakaal herself and patrols the forests with her ability to fly looking for more victims. She is currently the most successful hunter in the advanced team since the ability to fly lets her hunt over a large stretch of ground.

Lin Sun:

Vris takes over the Aetas management for the time being since its only temporary, this does slow her research though, but she’s always researching something anyways.


Con Lai:

As a status report, outside of Jin the navy is progressing well albeit not phenomenally so. It has yet to produce any heroes of note in its various clashes with the pirates besides Jin himself, so while it grows as according to plan it hasn’t showcased any up and coming talents yet.

While drafting the army has begun this particular update doesn’t pass enough time to see it even finish the basics of getting started up. There are uniforms to acquire, ranks to establish, men to drill, and so on.

Rena is doing so far okay at Svarga, most seem to like her and don’t find her particularly threatening. But they do know whose girlfriend she is, and more importantly the Aetas commander Velius happens to be one of her logistical experts. While the Aetas are needed otherwise she would be completely unprotected, they are definitely agitators just by their existence here.



Gaetan and Nikos power blessed. This unlocks the next tier of Gaetan’s power and allows him to spawn multiple of his projections at a time and project projections from projections once per projection. Nikos’ abilities don’t gain particularly new wacky mechanics but his current set still experiences straight increases in effect.

The hunt for high value demon possessions and “relatively safe” is a conflicting concept. Even if just looking for a pen they once used. So they stick to hunting in the blood jungle for xp.

Ilo Hae does PR work.

Gaetan and Tihalt are part of the advance team in the northern Si Da march. Maona and Malgogi successfully survive battle with the kraken, so far at least.

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