Just when things were looking easy, nope

Shentu Wo: 11,458 Power, 2,784Followers
Sima Wa: 4,423 Power, 3,002 Followers,
Kikai Senso: 21,002 Power, Next Form Progress: 87%
Lin Sun: 3,806 Power, 2,361 Followers
Con Lai: 20,689 Power, 8,234 Followers

SoL 26

Things had actually been fairly calm these last two months, with the most exciting thing being Vassago’s attacks throughout Hale’a and the Drakon reinforcements. Its become clear Eret has returned to his pirate ways, it seems he’s not even trying to be the secretly-a-good-guy kind he used to be. He’s already reclaimed his position as the southern lord of Atlantis and has proven exceptionally violent even for a pirate, having killed Gorou upon meeting him since he already had a different second in command in mind. While the pirates of South Atlantis have mixed reception to their new boss the three attempts to remove him from power failed spectacularly. Notably two of them were committed by jinko that had been forged by Gorou’s factory here in Atlantis. Vris has noted he has been going around capturing demigods for some reason or another.

Meanwhile on the east coast, it seems another wave of Drakon forces have arrived to reinforce the existing ones. As Nazarius planned all those months ago, the real military seems to be arriving to deal with Angra. They don’t seem particularly lax this time around with just some colonists coming to check the place out. Voynaye, the dragon lord of war, has arrived in person. While we considered Vassago pretty big, Voynaye is colossal, his talons are the size of a castle tower and he could easily go up against Bahamut. Fortunately for us, at least for now, Voynaye was sent to kill Angra. The original scout expedition came to investigate the use of dark magic they had felt, and now that Angra showed up Voynaye is here to wreck his shit. Though the half a year voyage took him so long he was unable to save Shenlong or Nazarius.

Voynaye’s army is unlike Adrelemech’s scout and conquer force, it is entirely made for large scale combat and nothing else. It didn’t even bring supplies to colonize and its unclear how long they will stay if Angra is defeated. That being said, he brought an army around seven hundred thousand with no slaves among them, a force large enough to crush every existing Drakon colony combined and then some as these dragons have war aspects among their masters.

After convening with Krovsokol and Adrelemech, Voynaye would demand Bahamut to meet with him. He was somewhat surprised when Song Yi also came along and Bahamut made it clear she was the one in charge. In essence, he made it clear that if Song gets in his way he’s going to kill her and everything around her. However, he’s only here for Angra after that he’s going home with his army and leaving the colonists to do what they will. Confirming that he’s not here to expand his domain, just kill Angra. The collective council of the Song Empire sighed in relief at that, as after coming into contact with him Raijin confirmed that Voynaye is on Otoroshi’s level and could have crushed Shenlong or Ryujin had they still been alive.

Voynaye’s officers were surprised but accepted the offer from Song to come to Hale’a for strategic communication. They’re in the city of the Aetas since the Aetas has the largest number of people proficient in the Drakon language, and Vris who is fluent enough to speak it as if she were a native already. The city is currently having to deal with the fact that his officers are dragon masters and take up a lot of space, fortunately due to the spirit’s building codes there’s a lot of empty space to stick them in. While Voynaye is here on imperial business, all the independent colonizing has been halted as not to get in his way buying us time to focus purely on Angra and Atlantis. Adrelemech has been forced to sit and wait until Voynaye declares his business is done.

Unlike the more complacent Adrelemech who is just waiting to resume conquering, Krylo has come with Voynaye’s forces to help out as a general, and for the personal glory of heeding the call of the Imperial Warlord of Drakon. Krylo is currently hanging around with Song, unlike all the other dragons who just get confused with her being the leader over Bahamut, Krylo is deeply fascinated with her and her abilities. To the point that some people are a little concerned about how he’s learning every ability she has and the rules she’s constrained to.

voingosThe main commander at the Aetas city, Voingos is a look into the other more serious side of Drakon. Formerly we met with colonist exploiters and two mad scientists looking to test their works. Voingos is much more formal and a part of a military structure with a much more serious personality.

This dragon master has a single minded focus of his mission goal and doesn’t really express interest in us which is actually an improvement from ‘not-people’ now its just ‘not relevant’. Though he is interested in tier 1+ champions and gods, he considers lesser units such as the honorbound or Vua Cai marines to be beneath notice.

While we have yet to see him in action, it is said by the Drakon that Voingos is a master strategist even if only the fourth advisor in line to Voynaye’s army. Lately he spends his time sending out scouts and reviewing information with Vris to collect as much intel as he can about this continent to prepare for war. In terms of raw power, Voingos can rival Vassago and has the power of a war aspect. Though the buff he gets at the start of combat is basically the maximum others can have, it just goes up from there. His presence is worth as much as Teozix’s flag chair, and he has two other masters with him who have even more buffs. He has taken a fascination with Tena and her abilities.

Ifrit has calculated that Angra will be back in three weeks, Voynaye has been preparing.


After Sarnai was burned by Vassago a lot of effort has been put into recovering. While Vris restored all the buildings, thousands are dead. Most notably, Vassago destroyed the main temple and Kiala’s lab in his attack though its unknown if he was aware of where the lab was or not as he did kind of hit almost everything in the city. We’re pretty sure he was told to hit the temple directly though, given Eli’s M.O.

Since Sarnai is pretty much jacked up, rebuilding in Si Da is only natural now and a lot easier to convince people to transition.

The main problem right now is that with Voynaye’s arrival and recent utilization of the Aetas for an outpost is that Aeth is stalking them instead of coming north to hang out in the new city. Emilia points out to Su to tell you we need to get Aeth out of here and give him something to keep him busy. She has no doubt that he’ll attack them soon as he spots an opening and she feels we really really really shouldn’t piss off the giant war dragon that Raijin described as “Otoroshi’s equal.”

Your kids may be about to do something really stupid to avenge their sister. Somehow Kiala got her hands on a bunch of leviathan chimeras recently. Emilia is concerned about this tendency of Krovsokol to send her free monsters to fight your enemies with all the time. Krovsokol is neither generous nor stupid, he’s up to something.

Sima Wa:

MiyukaiMade with the magic ingot, the first jinko magician of all time. Miyukai is also the first that is distinctly feminine, since its based off of Isis herself. While somewhat fragile as the magic ingot isn’t the strongest material for armor, its still a big piece of metal so not the easiest thing to kill without a mace or something.

Miyukai is naturally gifted with magic, already able to demonstrate multiple methods of offense but is currently training at the temple of Isis with her people to learn the deeper craft of magic. Personality wise, Miyukai is naturally inquisitive possibly to the detriment of their health.

However, it is noted that because of their magical construction their core has been warped and they have a theoretically infinite lifespan as there is no sign of the process of decay. However, their magic does draw from the core and it needs to recharge itself. Despite the god-made core that gives them the power to use magic, they do still sleep unlike the upgraded core of Takeshi since the use of magic is massively draining on the core.

While production of heavier jinko hasn’t been able to officially start yet, the production of a specialized facility for making them has, which goes hand in hand with the re-expansion of Kagayakashi anyways.

Daisuke has started a project to run rails through the dream portals since we have trains now, it would help with mass shipments quite a bit. The Gun Train is just sitting in a warehouse somewhere for the time being though until it has a place to go.

Lin Sun:

Your kid rampaged around for awhile. Bae says you may need to kill him, she’s obviously angsty that he not only kidnapped two of her daughters but sent them to Angra.

You have war dragons camping in your city and hanging out with Vris. Suffice to say your city is currently unsiegable, bring it on Eret boy. The dragons for the most part mind their own business but some of the war striders come into town now and then. Despite the running stereotype of off duty soldiers, the army of Voynaye never seems to get the stick out of their ass and chill at the pub. This is probably to your benefit as while it makes them less personable its way better then rowdy drunk striders. They seem to like your library though.

You discovered you have a daughter named Astrid after the dead high prophet. She is only a few years old, yet Freyja confesses she has powers. She has seemingly teleported, and investigation from Isis shows the kid has already manifested the ability to freeze time, the ultimate ability a time aspect can have. Also it can fly, this has made it very very hard to babysit.

Con Lai:

Yukari has entered a bit of a depression with the loss of Ailani and Johann who were her friends. She has taken to drinking a bit along with Adin.

Joacheim has taken over as acting admiral of the navy.

Due to the nature of the dragons camping in Aetas territory you’ve had striders come and go through the portal network recently, though we don’t know how much they understand the place and if they’ve drawn the correlation between it and Vobrazhen back home yet.

Milen recovers successfully and wanders off to nap further away from the temple before you send him out to do something like that again.

Meanwhile the purple sleeping lord finally became frustrated with trying to understand humans and went out to the human world himself. Milen named him Tatu Kuu so he’d have a name which is apparently important to humans. With Giza and Sanyar as his bodyguards he has been touring around and insisting that humans are silly. He later commandeered one of your naval ships to go check out the ocean for a little while, he came back and stated that the ocean is boring and flat. But he likes sushi now and has made outrageous demands for lots of sushi.

The trade network continues to be pretty sweet and makes you rich as hell.


Late Addon:

Eret sacrificed his captives including Ailani, Johann, two valkyries, and Baron Samedi to Angra using his employee discount he was able to perform resurrection with just those five trades since Angra thought the resurrections would be used for his own forces as it were. He chose to revive five dead people to form his new southern atlantis, ruled over by people he could count on. Some took a little convincing but he knows how to convince anyone of anything with his power anyways.

Prepare to be kicked in the dick.


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