Roster good times pt 1

Mezzy kept wanting the roster update, so here’s an early version. Expect a future update including the replacements for other areas.

Oki KonziHe’s a lil simple as they spent so much time giving him ways to punch things and take a lot of damage that they forgot to really do much else with him. The first of the heavy jinko, standing in at 7 feet tall and weighing a fuckton. He doesn’t really do aerial combat but he can run around at surprising speeds with his bulk and just crash through things.

He is also a student of Saiko’s dance class and hangs out with Daisuke quite a bit.



maximosOne of the human followers that came to the city in the wake of Inaji boosting the city’s general popularity. He was actually a guard for a merchant caravan that was coming through from Akhetaten’s southern sector and is a former resident of Thykenae. He’s wound up working for the city since then and they decided to test some of the heavy ass armor on him and he reminds us a lot of the Sanika.




MagnusThe male twin of Shento + Saldis. Here in the heart of Si Da, a land where black mages could be made just by living here for long enough, the children of the king and queen are born as avatars instead of demigods. Still within one step of godhood and as we saw with Fang and Tai Ket avatars can definitely see gods.

Magnus is the blood avatar to join Si Da’s 100 avatars, that are really more like 50 right now given the whole Otoroshi thing. The ranks are being replenished bit by bit at least. His hemomantic powers border on mildly absurd and stronger then Jadus since Magnus is specialized to a single aspect.

He also has a slightly less potent style of Shento’s ability to create species, and is surrounded by a swarm of his own monsters, his blood magic can also be used to more explosive ends.

HelandreaThe other twin, Helandrea is about a foot taller then her bulky brother coming in at 9 feet. Though Helandrea looks slender and fragile she’s still an avatar with disproportionate physical endurance and strength. She’s been added to the prophets of Saldis known as the deathspeakers and controls her own undead army Saldis gave her, though she can also animate the dead just like her mother and doesn’t need divine intervention to do such a thing.

Helandrea’s powers allow her to do something very unique she likely got from her father’s side, she can heal the dead. This allows her undead forces to last a lot longer and because of this she was put in command of a particularly heavy division of the undead. She has more bone dragons and golems then any other deathspeaker thanks to her power allowing her to maximize their use.

seiyomiIts everyone’s duty to make some more kids to help repopulate this world, that and demigods are apparently awesome. Also deep down Izumi never said it aloud but she wanted to actually be there for the kid thing, though Aku and Hei both readily call her mother she wasn’t even alive when they were “conceived”.

Seiyomi is a bit of an oddity but makes sense if you think about it. Because Song is basically a spirit, Izumi’s child was a kitsune. Technically a fox spirit shouldn’t be a possible child even for Izumi but Song makes that a happen. A demigod kitsune spirit turns out to be a possible thing it seems, and freakishly powerful.

Seiyomi can be either an adorable white fox or a handsome young man, just with a tail and fox ears. While all kitsune are natural tricksters, Seiyomi’s abilities are absurdly powerful and his tricks aren’t illusions but minor utility powers he can use. Such tricks he’s demonstrated include creating physical clones with little to no striking power but when struck they reveal themselves to be whatever mundane object he made them out of. He actually uses this power to carry stuff a lot. If you see two of him walking around town, the one carrying everything is the fake. He’s managed to swap opponent weapons with sticks, make trapholes, and his favorite is making push doors become pull doors. While these abilities may not seem powerful, keep in mind he just stole a warrior’s weapon right out of their hand from ten feet away and then tricked the god that blessed it into thinking the other guy still had it. He’s almost as powerful as the ascended Rackham with just that trick alone and he has a huge array of other “tricks” at his disposal. He’s an unfairly talented mystic, likely because he’s literally a spirit just like his brother and sister. He also has access to the moonlight walk power of Izumi. Obviously he has a spirit blade given who his mother is, though the unique thing is the blade is himself. Like Song Yi he doesn’t have a handle for his weapon since he projects it himself and just has hovering light weapons.

Seiyomi can be easily mistaken for comedic relief as in combat he seems to just be making a joke of the fight with his powers but he’s still a demigod of immense physical power and he is one of the most prodigal swordsmen ever seen, something which he inherited from Yi. Having your sword replaced with a stick and your opponent replaced with a rock might seem silly, but having no weapon and not knowing you’re about to be hit from behind by someone who can throw a house makes for a surprisingly dangerous enemy.

He seems more powerful then most other demigods when you stack him up against the others only Siduri has been able to beat him but not consistently. Even Inaji can’t touch the guy as he stole her own gun from her. Though this is largely because he can’t gain any more power, he’s a spirit so he can’t have an infusion or blessing. The others still have some more room to gain power through such mechanics, but Seiyomi has already capped out and all he has left is to refine his raw skill and gain more power stat and will never really be capable of ascension.

He is typically easy going and a little playful, often found around his older brother and sister training with either the senshi or jakaal to better his sword skills. He sometimes appears cocky, though he’s actually very careful and uses feigned arrogance to infuriate his enemies with his tricks in order to bait them into making mistakes. Sometimes just outright enraging them so Hei can take over, combat with Seiyomi can be one of the most frustrating things to deal with. Through Hei he met Van Tien, who really really likes him. To the point that Hei felt uncomfortable and inched out of the room. Unfortunately for Van, Seiyomi isn’t particularly impressed with her brand of mean comedy as compared to his sillier style and she has her mother’s dating skills.

KainoaIts pronounced (kuh-ee-no-ah). With Ao Ji and Ao Shun off to Divya Samrajya Song Yi has a distinct lack of ultra powerful being to use as her personal couch, something she’s grown accustomed to. So she opted to find a big scary spirit to fill that void in her life. Kainoa is one of the spirits that became physical as a result of the ascension and is quite large, that water on his back is a small waterfall. He’s the size of a small castle fort. He’s been a major factor in Song’s ability to control and grow forests for awhile now, but with the recent job opening of being her personal companion/couch he’s become a bit more prominently noticeable as that huge wooden spirit she rides around on from time to time.

Kainoa himself is a peculiar personality, despite being a more primordial spirit he’s one of the ones that can speak with us directly as opposed to some weird language only mystics have any hope of translating. He’s very old, older then this era at least and an excessively patient creature. He speaks in slow extended words that can rumble the forest floor and demonstrates a disposition towards being a forest hippy. He’s kind of an ent really, just a really big friendly one.

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