The Beginning of the End

For awhile there, a huge number of jinko, demons, and Si Da citizens all went missing.

Given it could be procrastinated no longer, Lucifer and Pandora showed up in Hale’a personally to talk with everyone else. Pointing out that thanks to “that damned Eret kid” they were out of time to really keep doing things the way they liked. Drakon has approximately two more months before they land, while they don’t have the naval supplies to make a single mass exodus Con Lai has given them a direct portal. If removed then we can expect them to make shipments every six months to a year of their forces. Due to Voynaye’s injuries against Otoroshi, Sozrushatel and Stikhiyn are coming first.

Vsemoguschiy also appeared at the grand meeting of the gods out of nowhere and issued a final offer. If we surrender and assimilate into Drakon they will take us to their continent and leave their own people here to guard the gate with an exile imposed on the continent that no one is to go there ever again or risk immediate war with the full Drakon Empire. This is their solution to guarding the gates from us. Obviously “assimilating into Drakon” means you’ll work under the lords as their minions. But it is still an opportunity to avoid war.

Lucifer, by proxy of Eret and Sahar, has control of Atlantis now after Adrelemech was removed by the armies of Hell, Sima Wa, Saldis, and Shento. Pandora claims that Atlantis can hide from Drakon and Jehovah’s horsemen alike and buy more time to prepare. Obviously they still want to go through the gates though as their end-plan.

Lucifer’s party wants to unite the continent to smash through Jehovah before Drakon can get here in full force, claiming once the gate is open we’ll be safe. Though the exact details of what happens over there is still unclear as even he doesn’t know anymore how the swarm empire is doing.

Another party wants to use that same united strength to fight back against Drakon, while we have the homefield advantage we might stand a chance if Lucifer helps out instead of trying to sneak through the gate every time Drakon hits the eastern side of the continent.

Ao Ji and Ao Shun are totally down for surrendering to Drakon since they are dragons and get a pretty sweet deal out of that. They aren’t all that attached to you guys anyways.

Eret is willing to go any which way but points out any option besides surrendering to Drakon will take the full force of Song’s Empire to be united for it. Which is difficult given people aren’t in agreement of what to do. Throughout the meeting everyone was constantly annoyed that he was the catalyst for the situation they were now in.

Raven in particular would prefer to stand our ground and fight and several others agreed with her position that this is home.

While all this was expected the oddest twist was Pandora and Lucifer pledging to call Song Yi their new imperial leader, if she would take them they will serve her. Even going as far as Pandora revealing what she is doing on Atlantis. With the help of Wa she built a massive machine that will build an army every day, if Song Yi accepts Pandora as one of her own then Song will gain access to a massive army since this also includes Lucifer’s demons.

In the end Song Yi was surrounded by people lobbying her to try and get her to go with one party or another, all in the midst of Con Lai and Sima Wa revealing Eret’s information to her and giving her an identity crisis just like Naomi.

Song Yi disappeared for a week afterwards to think things over leaving the empire in a state of anxiety. When she came back she summoned everyone to talk over what she’s going to do. She intends to open Brahma’s gate whether Brahma likes it or not, those who want to go can go. If they’re right then if they travel through that gate for long enough they’ll eventually find the swarm somewhere out there and get home the long way around that prevents the swarm from immediately breaking through Jehovah’s gate. Those who want to surrender to Drakon can do so, those who want to go through the gate can do that, and those who want to stay here also can. But until the empire is secure enough to make decisions that split everyone apart they need one last stand against Drakon to protect Brahma’s gate for those that want to leave and to ensure Drakon doesn’t try to show up and murder everyone here on this continent once people leave.

Since Vsemo would not accept letting people leave through Brahma’s supposedly less dangerous gate, Drakon is coming in force and Song Yi has gone full blown war tyrant in response. Summoning every army this side of the world to either serve her or be wiped out to prevent backstabbing.

Song does not intend to let up on this plan unless everyone else or at least a large majority agrees what to do. Since obviously unanimous consent to any of the options couldn’t be reached within two days she’s decided to go with plan knowing full well how many people are going to die. Reminding us of the old Song Yi, she beat Indra down when he argued that he wouldn’t give her his forces and they would not allow the gate to open as long as they could. When he continued to make a point of why he disagreed with this plan she forced the reluctant Freyja to reap him.

While her plan does leave more people to make more choices for themselves in the end, for the short term no one gets any choice. They fight for her or she kills them on grounds of treason since they can’t become unanimous on going through a gate, which gate, surrendering, or staying and fighting for the continent. Ao Ji wanted to surrender to Drakon before fighting against them since that was a clearly good deal for him. So she killed him too and once again forced Freyja to be the one to do the reaping.

Its become clear Song is no longer that popular as a leader but she has too much power to defy anymore. She intends to give everyone an out that they want in the end but unless everyone unanimously says one answer or another this is the only plan that doesn’t result in this continent’s extinction she can find since the inevitable infighting particularly with Lucifer means there is no way to survive the dragons that are coming.

She has forced Aphrodite to give up the locations of Neith and Inuit along with sending Shento and Wa to Atlantis to work with Pandora on the army maker. She has enlisted Nergal to keep an eye on peoples loyalties and demanded the demons and dream denizens come out in force so she can start working on the military that they have. She also beat Anubis to within an inch of his life and prepped him to be reaped unless he got the horsemen from Jehovah to help out. Meanwhile Eret and his team were sent around the place to hunt down the other descended and missing gods throughout the continent. Notably Pandora has had them specifically looking for any remnant of Khaos for her project.

Despite her offers to change the plan and her tyranny if everyone can agree on a decision, even after she’d started murdering people and forcing a mass conscription, such an agreement has yet to be reached. At the very least she prevented a civil war spawning from the disagreement, even if it means now the continent has to go up against a much more serious Drakon.

She has suspended the entire economy and several wealthier groups who protested aren’t doing so well now. Instead she’s had everyone start establishing a massive chain of command as the entire population of the continent is now a part of the military. Non-combatants now act as logistical support. Despite the destruction of freedom and the world economy she kind of solved world hunger and poverty within a few weeks.


Atlantis taken, buryoku made, Aasimar made, Hystalfar ascended.

You’ve been moved to Atlantis to work on Pandora’s big project and all your future expenditures of power have become limited to the project to get it done quickly. Its made to mass produce avatars/demigods, it already produces five per day and within the year it will be producing a hundred per day barring any unforeseen complications. While this bodes well for war with Drakon, it definitely means after all is said and done Lucifer will be unstoppable.

Ailani rules in your place over Si Da, though as the high prophet that was already kind of the deal but at least she keeps you up to date with what you’re missing over there.

Lin Sun:

Pandora built an engine in Atlantis that she described with a bunch of sciencey words that you didn’t get but basically it feeds you power, power which you’ve been commanded to put into direct use making more/bigger time chambers to assist with raising the army up.

Freyja is kind of in the ‘stay here’ crew in regards to the gates. Her father has given her too many horror stories and atop of that she’s a bit distant from the scarier parts of this war as she usually just sits in her own territory to mind her own business. That and she’s becoming scared of Song after being forced to reap people as what she could tell was a loyalty/obedience test.

You make some rings and a shield.

In the Aetas land the place is being turned into somewhat of a full military camp because of the importance of the time chambers to mass producing armies quickly. The overall academic atmosphere of the place has been somewhat disrupted by the presence of so many soldiers and Osiris’ people setting up shop in the city to further speed up the reincarnation loop through your time chambers.

Sima Wa:

With the current martial law in place your resource problems seemed to have been fixed as huge shipments show up to be weaponized every day. The access to Pandora’s assistance has resulted in the buryoku and riko shugi weapon projects finishing their research way ahead of schedule.

Kagayakashi has become a central arms factory being used to mass produce the tools the empire needs to survive even just the first wave of the Drakon that is coming.

Con Lai:

In your quiet days the dream realm has been mobilized mostly under Tatuu Kuu in response to the mass conscription. As well as locking out the portal gates that were made for the fire nation to delay the Drakon approach.

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