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Tunnel construction has begun.

The thing with the whole “uses as little as mana as possible” is that little quirk where our entire race are literally mana eaters.

Raakel is on the way to meet up with Sakki. Bit of a trek though, give em a bit to get there. Gideon also has been sent to go poke around.

For the most part regarding the good wood, you see when a man loves a woman… Also its particularly good for wands and fortified walls. Though stone is still the go to for walls if you wanted to make a very expensive pallisade they’d be good at that. Due to their properties it is most notable that they have a conveniently cumulative effect on larger devices. Magic missile trebuchet anyone? Definitely expensive mana sinks to utilize this kind of thing though.

Also we’ve managed to get our capital territory expanded and taken control of a section of the coast, as requested some month or three ago.

Greetings keeper! It is a glorious day for the Oda people. We’ve managed to integrate our new tribal friends, they’ve taken a liking to our concept of clothes. Mostly because we have softer fabrics then they are used to. Quetzalli in particular seems to like them.

The island’s wood has already been seeing some harvesting as well as experiments in replanting it near ourselves for future operations as the island can only support so much of it. Beyond the wood and its people the island has fruits and of course more fishing ventures. Though nothing that stands out too much on a governance level, our local market just has more interesting food around now. So overall a good boost to the economy.

As for Kyoko’s affairs, it is questionable that we can actually provide anything of interest enough for them. Mostly because of their paranoid nature alongside their self sufficiency, this combination makes them rather insular and less interested in whatever anyone else might offer them.

Sooo negotiations aren’t going that well. It seems that since we let the ‘prisoners’ go they didn’t tell the best stories necessarily. It likely doesn’t help that Areti crucified Amare -who Ankathi informed us is an actual princess- in the public square. All we are in possession of is the city itself but space isn’t necessarily a big concern to them. I think they might be holding a bit of a grudge about that whole attack thing. It hasn’t completely fallen apart yet though, things are just a little rocky on the political front. Personally, I would advise sending one of our agents to find the orcs that we heard about to gauge what exactly it is they’re so concerned about.

Speaking of which, Aima has been caught and killed by an elven commander known as Neyth who was apparently in the process of moving her forces from deeper elven territory towards the rear after our invasion of Tethalyn.

And finally…Amare showed up here in Sybaris yesterday. With a letter from Ankathi, apparently Ankathi is up to something. She has requested me to keep Amare with the Coven for awhile and to show her some of what it is like with them. However, she sent a second letter through more traditional means, was a long list of details about Amare and a closing footnote that Ankathi knows where to find Amare’s son and requested Areti to scout in a certain direction. Ankathi apparently has already captured elves and begun experimenting on them in a basement in Tethalyn…suffice to say we should make sure the elves don’t find out about this and maybe reign her in before she does…Ankathi things.

According to KouKou, I am still surprised that’s a historical name, the village is less then compliant. Mostly because of the curse, I suppose that’s what one can expect when the chieftan and a bunch of the respected members of the community are older males. Tech wise they lack anything of value to us, though it seems the area they settled it is rich in resources so…financially speaking its not too bad of a place.

New…magical girls as you call them. Despoina is one of those more spiritually inclined types and has a good relationship with the otherworldly creatures witchcraft often communes with. By good I mean she is liable to kill people with an ethereal embodiment of pure spite. This constant consorting with such creatures has turned her perhaps a little mad. Though she isn’t dead so technically she is doing better then four fifths of those who attempt to do such things. Be wary, she is prone to bouts of violence. Not quite as dangerous as Ankathi but not exactly one of our best behaved for first contact.


To balance that out I found one of our more…lets say distinguished witches. Euterna is a bit classier though also a bit of a bookworm. She is effective enough to go into the field but expect her to go a little slower then the others as she likes to catalog things. Though I figure such deep scouting wouldn’t be too bad, might find some unique spots for harvesting herbs. I’m not actually sure where all her money comes from, we don’t exactly have many instances of hereditary wealth around here but she didn’t seem to even have a job before joining the coven.


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