Travel time strikes again

I return. Also Faelyn isn’t quite a badlands princess, to be precise she’s an independent warlord. Also we’ve begun tinkering with the artifact to see what can be done with it. Construction of the northern addition to Uudistar is underway but as your advisor I feel inclined to mention that the Ghuan are arcanists like us, and going just that little bit further north of Uudistar puts you right next to the coast. So in essence you’re putting bait on the coast and rolling the dice on how well that goes. While we can likely fortify and defend the position as we have with Uudistar it may have some odd effects on your new immigrants. Though if you want to terrify them I suppose that is a good enough idea, until they realize where you put them. Ghuan was the more mischievous house so be wary of what they might do from there.

Also I have to actually question if Sakki can keep it in his pants in the lands of Katara. I’m not entirely sure if the threat of death would actually deter a man like him…he’s an odd one. To wrap up, we have a bunch of monks chilling out around here now apparently.

I feel I should have left Ansa here to tell you the problems with your marathon race idea. I mean first and foremost, scientists in laboratories don’t really make for agents. We already have a few hundred of those at the university, they’re not gonna pop up in any stories of interest. The only reason Essi is on the list is she is technically a military commander you just haven’t had do anything.


Greetings keeper! It is a glorious day for the Oda people. Here I brought you some tea. We have sent some of the monks to visit the university of the nalkas as requested and our fleet continues to explore the seas.

As for the coastal society to the south, they’re quite friendly with trade and whatnot. They’re a little wary of our allies though. Though they have been willing to help us on the mapping front in exchange for a similar assistance. Revealing the location of their other trading partners.

To mention, to the west is the Vaisigano people, a tribal island nation. Sounds a bit familiar. However, they caution about traveling east to meet with the city of Melun. They say there is something a little off about that place though they don’t know for sure what it is. Just that it gives them the heeby jeebies.

As for the hunter ships taking monsters alive, that really comes down more so to whether or not they overkill it or not I suppose. It isn’t like we could feasibly build a net or something, and the hunter ships aren’t exactly going to kill one of the ones from Ansa’s bounties outright without a lot of effort in the first place.

Also, we do actually have access to the orcs via boat. The main river the elven empire is built along is about two hundred meters wide. This is why the effort of the Katara to build a bridge along it required engineers from the Nalkas to go down there.  It stands to reason a significant part of their war plans will be to move along the river as to take on all the elven settlements. Just a note.

Speaking of notes, the fishing village is not a mana lake. The fishing village just has a normal lake, and this is indicated by the mana we process from the area. If it was about double what it is now it would be considered a mana lake.

In regards to Quetzalli, she is still somewhat wary of us. Mostly because its awfully interesting timing that soon as they became a bit more integrated, the orc invasion thing started happening. She also has a notably hard time fathoming what the threat of the orcs really are. Honestly, everyone seems to be having a hard time with that except for the elves who have experienced it first hand. From so far away simply hearing ‘its a lot of orcs’ doesn’t quite impress upon people the magnitude of the green tide.

The report from Yuzuki indicates the ‘what is up’ would be, in her words, “A lot of orcs”. Shime was helping their people migrate from Tethalyn to Lennecas and heard word of the orcish invasion. She set off there and has been fighting along the elves ever since, mostly because she sees herself as something of a – as Yuzuki puts it: “warrior of justice”. The irony of the former bandit chastising the person who caught her for this is not lost on me I must say.

Similar to Iwanagi, he is a wind discipline of monk. Very good at sneaking around and adventuring. Not quite as good at the sneaking part as Yuzuki though given the nature of the job at hand for him it is unlikely to be necessary. He’s a bit on the tamer side, tending to be disciplined and observant individual. Not particularly one for picking fights like Shime and Yuzuki, though capable should something try to bite his head off at least. We’ve sent him along the way to find a place of good natural persuasion.



Additionally this is Hamano, acting as a secondary diplomat. He’s a bit less for traditional wisdom that Konya is all about. He has read through vast libraries of information as part of his noble upbringing and is quite knowledgeable on a great many topics down to the numeric level. He’s quite capable of handling himself, another side effect of his upbringing is he was taught how to fight and spent a few years at the monastery even, though preferred a more traditional soldiers training. Since he had so many expectations from his parents he didn’t quite have the time to dedicate towards mastering ki over a lifetime, so sharpened metal things suits him fine. He’s a little repressed though, asian parents and all.


I moved Nina’s 25 to combine with Rhea’s 75 while putting the new recruits to take their post under Nina. So now they both have an equal hundred of uniform troop types.

Also I really hope you actually learn Despoina’s name before you ever have to address her in person. As far as her report, the Archdruid points out that said monster is more likely to hinder the orcs then her own efforts…since she can control all monsters in the forest if she wants to. To give evidence to the claim…Despoina noticed a very large army of monsters around Wynolwind.

There isn’t much else going on right now, definitely a lot of traveling going on lately. Maybe we should build more roads. Or some docks in Sarkisa for traversing the river easier. Almost as if thats what Layla should have done with that money instead of constructing a black temple to a demon king she wasn’t even sure existed.

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