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The Cult of Madness or The Mad Ones

It finally happened. Eli made a friend. Not just one, but four! He decided that at long last he had companionship, so he should make them all his champions. But she’s made a good sales pitch and some people are starting to join his cause. While for now he has very few followers, they at least get a mention. Technically only one of them has a champions blessing cuz he has a budget and not enough followers to just hand them out willy nilly (its Rackham).

saharShe has a lot of names now days. The Mad Djinn, the mad prophet, the mad queen, that hooker looking girl. She once traveled with the party back in their adventuring days only to strike out for adventure once the ascension happened, considering herself retired. Then Eli found her and forced her to join his cause.

Ability wise as a Djinn wielding a sword that makes wishes of her, her boundaries are not well understood. She is known to enjoy teleportation, fire, and explosions. But other then that she seems to practically make up her abilities as she goes. Recently she’s been getting pretty good at the whole illusion thing though.

rackhamThe man who commands Eli’s old ship while the pirate was wandering around as a god. After the Ascension the ship fell to the crew’s first mate. John Rackham has the power to pillage, despite the will of the spirits he can wield anyone’s spiritual weapons even against their own aspect’s god. For some reason once he steals it they can no longer remove any blessings on it. There are gods paying power per session upkeep for items he stole.

His sword is hydrokinetc, it used to belong to poseidon’s high prophet. His dagger was stolen from Saint Titus’ left gauntlet, and finally his coat was stolen from some random person with  a scrying spirit in it. The scrying spirit can find other spiritually imbued artifacts, meaning he has loot radar.  In all Rackham is quite a bit more light hearted then his master, but don’t underestimate his capacity for cruelty. He’s still a pirate.


halimaRemniscent of Rei Siwang, but with darkness. Halima’s champion powers allow him to instill darkness, more accurately blindness, onto everyone around him or just certain people. He can move through shadow and move the shadows themselves, affecting reality by contorting what it casts on the walls. Beware your own shadow, it just might stab you in the back.

Halima comes from Akhetaten, the awakening of Ra was an eye opener for him. And he decided that his pantheon sucked for trying to mislead their people. Then he decided Divus sucked…and Thykenae…and Si Da. Fuck it, rollin with the mad god. Burn them all.

Also known as the girl with the dragon aspect. Laylah’s abilities are extremely powerful, so much so that one would think she is a god herself. Her ability…is to seed life back into destroyed areas. Scary right? Under her influence entire forests can regrow and the ecosystem can stabilize. Oh and she can do this to a city to pretty much destroy it within 1 month as the wild lands come to claim it. Okay so maybe it is scary.

She never really thought much about gods and wars until the god wars started and she had to put up with all of it. The spirits she represent are furious with the destruction and the bold move to destroy the wild lands. She is the greatest enemy of Divya since the Akuma.

orionYou know its not good when a new character enters the game who has a constellation named after him. Orion the Cosmic Hunter, he shoots arrows that will fuck you up. That is all you need to know. He once shot Neith’s arrow out of the air, caught it, and then shot her in the head with her own arrow.

His motivations are much simpler then his angsty cohorts. He was just out of challenges to hunt. So might as well hunt gods and champions right?



raza Raza is an entity with powers similar to Eli. People cannot perceive Raza appropriately. He is not invisible, they step around him. He’s not silent, he can shout in your ear and make it hard to hear your conversation. But people just cannot react to him and no one can truly remember his passing. Since being blessed by Eli he’s become able to modulate the power of this ability. He can stand there and talk to you, but make it impossible for you to attack him. Fortunately his abilities have one limiting factor, if he touches you then you can react to him. Limiting his ability to just start killing people left and right. He acts more like a messenger and spy then an assassin.


In all the mad champions aren’t actually that dangerous to Si Da compared to the paladins or Devada’s legion. They are just a total of six, and maybe a handful of pirates who decided to roll with them using pitchforks and torches. Sahar and Orion are the only ones who represents a real martial threat, and Rackham a threat through power (he has a large arsenal). But you just know they’re going to show up at an inconvenient time and ruin well laid plans as long as they’re running wild and free.


jin zhangJin Zhang eventually successfully manifests his power after being forced to by his mean boss. Turns out he has the aspect of mastery. He is a master at every skill possible. Archery? Can shoot a hummingbird out of the air. Sword fighting? He knows every possible style ever invented. Cooking? Get that man some herbs and watch him make food to bring even a god’s mouth to water. While he lacks the physical power of other black mage heroes and isn’t “the best” at everything, he is pretty adaptable to any situation. Master ninja, master chef, master debator. Just you watch him cite his sources and provide examples  without missing a beat. In all Jin Zhang is really good at everything. This has annoyed the shit out of many people because he’s so lazy, yet now has the skills of people who dedicate their whole life to their craft. That poor painter had never been so demoralized as when he saw the drunk and lazy Jin half ass a work of art so incredible it has been bought for a huge sum of money after a bidding war between the Jade and Taiyo emperor’s. The dollar signs in Gremory’s eyes practically popped out of his skull.

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