Songbowl and Aetas vs Atlantis….hype

Shentu Wo: 1104 Power, 1284Followers
Kikai Senso: 3,698 Power, 90 Followers, Next Form Progress: 24%
Lin Sun: 1605 Power, 984 Followers
Con Lai: 1847 Power, 1567 Followers
Caine: 1692 Power, 985 Followers

Issue 18


The Northbound army deploys an advanced team composed of Makaio, Ira, Gaetas, Tihalt, Takeshi, Anna, and a variety of lesser known forces to intercept and distract any Jakaal from approaching the main army. While it can’t possibly stop the Jakaal hopefully it baits them from sending too much at the major force  for now, this is mostly to protect high value targets because the Jakaal are notorious for taking those out first.

Song Yi and hte main force continues its march and will be a little bit before it gets there.

Meanwhile, the Aetas sets sail for Atlantis as well. Despite the combined efforts of Eret, Maona, and Malgogi, two ships were lost to the Kraken. Eret points out these losses were unavoidable and this was as minimal as he could get them when trying to take down the biggest threat left in the ocean. Storms beset the fleet however, and the ocean is pretty much a dick whether there is a sea god or not behind it. The journey continues, but while Eret does know how to find Atlantis he also knows that it can move, a part of this voyage is just the effort of finding it, and even after defeating the Kraken they’ve a long ways to go. The battle left several ships damaged as well, and upon finding an island the Atlantis bound fleet decided to take some time to repair and regroup while waiting out the ocean storms. It didn’t take Eret long to realize something was up with the island though, because his foresight is being muddled with. The team debates taking time to explore it while ships repair and storms settle, or if they should try to avoid as much as possible in case of taking unwanted casualties long before even reaching Atlantis.

Back at Svarga things are relatively quiet, but its only been a short while. Velius has a bad feeling that its too quiet given the recent war and unlike when they occupied Bellary, they lack an Eret to single out the more problematic people ahead of time.



For the most part plans begin getting done but this update only encompasses about a month’s worth of time at best. Applicants for the Shento colony program will take a bit longer just to get to where they are going but so far things are looking promising.

Alex is technically away for the time being undergoing training.

As a member of the advance team, Anna proves herself yet again by butchering five of the jakaal herself and patrols the forests with her ability to fly looking for more victims. She is currently the most successful hunter in the advanced team since the ability to fly lets her hunt over a large stretch of ground.

Lin Sun:

Vris takes over the Aetas management for the time being since its only temporary, this does slow her research though, but she’s always researching something anyways.


Con Lai:

As a status report, outside of Jin the navy is progressing well albeit not phenomenally so. It has yet to produce any heroes of note in its various clashes with the pirates besides Jin himself, so while it grows as according to plan it hasn’t showcased any up and coming talents yet.

While drafting the army has begun this particular update doesn’t pass enough time to see it even finish the basics of getting started up. There are uniforms to acquire, ranks to establish, men to drill, and so on.

Rena is doing so far okay at Svarga, most seem to like her and don’t find her particularly threatening. But they do know whose girlfriend she is, and more importantly the Aetas commander Velius happens to be one of her logistical experts. While the Aetas are needed otherwise she would be completely unprotected, they are definitely agitators just by their existence here.



Gaetan and Nikos power blessed. This unlocks the next tier of Gaetan’s power and allows him to spawn multiple of his projections at a time and project projections from projections once per projection. Nikos’ abilities don’t gain particularly new wacky mechanics but his current set still experiences straight increases in effect.

The hunt for high value demon possessions and “relatively safe” is a conflicting concept. Even if just looking for a pen they once used. So they stick to hunting in the blood jungle for xp.

Ilo Hae does PR work.

Gaetan and Tihalt are part of the advance team in the northern Si Da march. Maona and Malgogi successfully survive battle with the kraken, so far at least.

This is a suspicious amount of war.

Shentu Wo: 948 Power, 1284Followers
Kikai Senso: 3,518 Power, 90 Followers, Next Form Progress: 24%
Lin Sun: 1585 Power, 984 Followers
Con Lai: 2456 Power, 1567 Followers
Caine: 1795 Power, 985 Followers

(Its been a year since the war with Divya ended, 3 years remain before Eret’s doomsday prophecy)

With the fall of Divya, Vinasa and Indra have surrendered and serve as guardians of Svarga, the last bastion to protect the gate. Though, despite efforts to convince spirits otherwise, they will not allow the walls to stand. The shell government is largely administered by Indra since he’s there and everyone else has their own territories to worry about.

The war in Jade continues, though it has started retreating the general populace and even most of the military south to the Lengdon mountains at Song Yi’s urging. She is taking her Senshi order out to meet Si Da’s invasion herself. Despite all the reasons that is a terrible idea, the man who betrayed and murdered her family is the only person who needs to die for Jade to be able to mount at least a semblance of defense. SongBowl 2016.

Saldis has also decided to go, the hordes of the dead can at least slow the demon army. Saldis going made the worried Ishtar decide to go as well, and this has sort of snowballed into a bunch of volunteers despite the recent beating Hale’a endured, its hard to stop Song Yi once she gets worked up. She also takes measures to ensure Freyja and Lin Sun don’t try to tie her up like last time.

In the meantime, while she’s off looking for her vengeance so is Eret. He has conscripted the most powerful members of the Aetas to his cause. Rena asked Milenkosi to ask Con Lai to send Jin Zhang’s navy with him. As this technically counts as dealing with the pirates right? Mulgogi and Maona have also been requested by Eret for the Atlantean assault team because they’re going to have to fight the Kraken to get there. Astrid has also volunteered herself, against Freyja’s warnings, to go and hunt Rackham with Eret.

Somehow, and no ones really sure, Eret’s little plan has gotten around to the far reaches of the world. Over the last year Saint Eleazor has been sent to replace Saint Naomi as commander for the war on Si Da as he can help with the Song Fang problem far better. Saint Naomi and Saint David suddenly showed up at the Aetas temple to join Eret’s little trip to hunt the Rackham. Anahita and Uriel have joined Song Yi’s team.

Basically Eret and Song are two very hard headed people charging off into a whole load of trouble. You may try to stop them, or lend your forces. Also approve/deny/reassign those characters acted of their own accord to slip onto the teams.


Lin Sun:

Obviously Eret has gone a little bit rogue as he’s not asking permission for anything as he just keeps assembling that killteam. Astrid joined as mentioned earlier but Freyja warned against it given how dangerous Rackham really is. Eret points out he’s not going to take over Atlantis, its just not viable given how dangerous the city is and how soft your pantheon is. Right now a main advantage is that a lot of people will hesitate to join a mass battle if they see Eret going after Rackham directly. They’re not exactly a united front. If you try to take over Atlantis, it’ll unite an army of extremely vicious black mages very very quickly while surrounded by multiple weeks of traveling the ocean to get anywhere else.  Which as we know is their home field advantage. If they unite, your entire assault team will die with absolute certainty unless you send everyone you have (but the majority of the pantheon is headed to the Jade Empire to deal with Si Da).

You could just put great feast vault in a cave. Lots of those laying around.


All that stuff you mentioned gets done, not much conflict or rolling required about that.


Con Lai:

Basically Eret the pirate wants to abscond with your navy to assault the other pirates, along with Jin Zhang and Baridi. Those two are less vengeance filled then Eret and Lin Sun though and so actually bother to ask what you want to do before just signing off and joining the fray.

SanyarOne of the Sleeping Lords -who has so far not acquired a name but can be referred to as “the purple one” since he appears purple to humans- assigned Sanyar to visit the mortal realm and acquire possessions. Not anything in particular, nor for any particular reason. Sanyar is thus not particularly greedy or eccentric, just following orders to collect possessions and see what owning things is like. He is often found hanging out with Baridi on downtime. Curiously enough, the purple one may have overcomitted to this simple task because Sanyar can straight fuck people up. He is as physically powerful enough to throw a horse over a house and has powers similar to Milenkosi such that he can shapeshift even in the physical realm.  Notably, he does not shapeshift into anything sensible but instead strange dream concepts and shapeless oddities. But he can fit through a keyhole or sit on a house as necessary. Since Baridi works for Jin Zhang in the navy, Sanyar is often found pillaging pirate ships for possessions to add to his collection as is his mission. Morbidly, he collects bodies as well. In all his personality by human standards might be dark and creepy, but those who actually understand him realize he’s just alien to this world and trying to figure things out, its not his fault he doesn’t know hoarding bodies is  a weird serial killer-esque thing to do.



You exist now.

Kikai Senso:

You never put anything in the chart. Though you should consider who to send champs and the war banner with. Also Kagayakashi construction goes well and it is now a couple of buildings that can roll around its little cavern, thus drawing more Jinko to it as the spiked tree becomes a holy site to them for obvious reasons.

SOL 17


Shentu Wo: 3.295Power, 984Followers
Kikai Senso: 4,053Power, 50 Followers, Next Form Progress: 23%
Lin Sun: 1489Power, 968 Followers
Con Lai: 2548Power, 1484 Followers


Hall of Heroes constructed
Kaeta project underway, incubating, breeding, etc.Well now you have a weird staff and the two tomes have been created

After the war Carmilla returned to ruling over Sarnai fairly smoothly. Not much going on there other then her apparent disgust at having had to actually march and fight but her pampering companions were quick to soothe her.

Anna returns to very little external recognition. Except for members of her own clan very few saw her out there in the night, and she is still her usual severe self. While Noelle is known as a hero, Anna returns to the dark depths beneath Sarnai after scoring at least double Noelle’s kill count. And Anna uses claws and teeth while Noelle has explosions at her disposal. Though perhaps this is for the best, as the forest spirits reclaim the bodies of the fallen they hide the evidence of the sheer brutality Anna exhibited in the battle.

As was mentioned earlier, Ailani kept sneaking out and worrying Su Shento to death since they are surrounded by a jungle full of cannibals, and Ailani is worth a lot if eaten. So when Shento decides its time for family field trips around the world she gets to meet all kinds of weird people.

Meanwhile, Kaja and Noelle are just chilling out now that things have died down a little bit and is helping the order to recover from its losses and preparing for more wars in the future. Alexandria returns at long last, and missing an arm. Su Shento fixed it pretty easily but the poor high prophet has been through a lot.

jerichoJericho is the newest replacement, and obviously takes a lot more after Kaja then the others. Lots of armor, big sword, and plenty of fashion, Jericho has kinetic control over metal he is attuned to. While he can’t control all metal, he can attune to metal given some time to hang out with it, once he does so he can do weird things. His sword is notably designed to exploit this, with breakaway segments that can act as flying steel plates of death and hate.

Unlike Kaja, he’s actually fairly talkative and just refined as any of the other noble paladins. Taking over Hector’s estate he has taken on the fine and noble task of raising horses since it was already there for him to do and provides an easy hobby to get into since the framework is all set up.

Lin Sun:

Moses kind of already answered the sun thing so Vris is just gonna go back to translating stuff.

May want to rework university plans now that all airships in the world just fell over so the taxi service thing might be difficult. Also with the original intent of boosting PR it seems counterproductive to also involve the Viking territory just because Freyja knows history.

The search for a timemililani aspect and a mystic shows up in the jungles of Koko Molum, sent south to join the Aetas by Shento. Mililani is a psychometric mystic, while she can commune with the spirits in general she also possesses the distinct ability to see the past of places or objects she comes into contact with by speaking with the spirits in it. Her power helps her to understand the spirits and the past they have seen, and she was quickly brought into the Aetas upper circle to join the team.

She is typically a calm individual, often wandering Aina and heeding the call of the spirits. Mililani is used to a solitary life as most mystics are, but thanks to Eret’s promotion she has been brought to the temple to work for the team’s upper echelons in person. Lately she is quiet and observant, always trying to get used to the new environment. Notably she holds proper reverence for the high prophet, but Eret still unsettles her. Even with his more violent outbursts reigned in, Eret is still not quite what you would expect from the Aetas. Thandar had always been a calm and restrained leader, Eret still takes after his pirates a lot.

kahlKahl was promoted from within the Aetas and has that power Shento thought was hilarious, summoning kittens. In truth Kahl can create constructs of his own energy and power, giving him near limitless potential dependent on his creativity. Ranging between swords, guns, bows, and tigers, Kahl seems to always have just the right tool for the job. However, as it is his own power incarnated it has very distinct limits in how long he can sustain it since it consumes energy rapidly without a physical makeup to support it. He can only clash swords for so long before the raw physical impacts take a toll, and projectile weapons always drain him extremely quickly since he sends his power afar and is unable to retrieve it when used in this manner.

Meanwhile: After the death of Thandar and Kinzoku, Eret did not take it well. He has been assembling a team and sending out letters to other national heroes, particularly from Divus, and seems to be plotting revenge on Rackham. While this might be all well and good, he has become visibly distraught and self destructive lately and if it were not for Rena’s power to influence his emotional state he probably would have gone full blown pirate again.

Kaisa, despite having no notable kills after the battle, has grown particularly arrogant with her abilities. Given her blessings though, it is somewhat understandable. She spends her time with Eret as he starts assembling a killteam of some sort, waiting for a chance to fight again. Velius is concerned about this however, she is becoming a bit war crazy. Originally he expected the realities of warfare to shake her excitement but instead it has only added to her excitement. Its not quite as bad as Shento’s aggressive followers, not even close, but as a developing Aetas hero with a whole lot of power he’s wary of what kind of trouble she might get into.

With Thandar’s passing Velius has become acting Grand Commander of the Aetas. While technically it went to Vris she declined and said she had too much shit to do. Velius demonstrates his capacity as a leader quite well, offsetting the peculiar nature of Eret’s recent behaviors and getting everything back underway. He has stopped traveling as he used to and now relies on his subordinates to do the job he once did, leaving him more time to linger around the capital.

Con Lai:

While there are a few outbreaks of various diseases none of them are extraordinarily severe and are often not terribly notable. In hunting around for them the most infectious of them has minor affects that healers can overcome and the most dangerous doesn’t really have severe outbreaks but due to repeatedly showing up through gateway cities one can assume it is related. However, as far as the pathology department goes nothing has made dream denizens sniffle.

Expanding food supply and harvesting winds up coming largely down to the work of mystics exploiting growth more then usual. Extending the range over which growth occurs but since Adelaide is primarily a centralized city this forces members of its population to live a bit further out for the time being to actually gather the food. It is expected in time that the density of it will return to the area around Adelaide after awhile but until then its population has to spread out a bit.

In other news, Rena continues to act as head of PR and with her recent increase in abilities she’s become effective at the task of keeping everyone a bit more orderly in the wake of the war and the shifty month or two that followed Song Yi’s knockout.

Saba Kuu and Milenkosi also return to the dream realm to do their usual lurking thing for awhile. They lead rather consistent lives at the least and when not directly doing anything tend to just repeat what they are currently used to.

Baridi on the other hand remains with Jin Zhang in his growing naval force. While uninvolved with the war to the east of the country the impact of the events have given it some trouble. With Ryujin dead and Rackham ascended the seas have become more dangerous since the pirates are growing bolder. Under the command of Rackham instead of Eli their goals start to shift from attacking gods and their churches to the more understandable loot and pillage. Pirate activities on the eastern half of the continent have become particularly bad and only large convoys that Jin and his ship are personally apart of have been able to really deal with. Taiyo and Divya both no longer have navies and the eastern seas have fallen into chaos because of it while the Jade Empire remains under attack as well.

In the wake of the conflict the damage to Halea is still being felt while food supplies run scarce and start to have an affect on the tower cities as a result. Aina and Freyja’s city is hit especially hard because the mushrooms were affected by the event along with the fact that the place is already a land of ice and snow, which hastened the food problem while the spiritual effects were broken.

Divya itself sees total collapse on the horizon, the mass evacuated civilian population had all moved to Svarga for safety but this has backfired after the death of Dyaus. While most have figured out they need to get moving and away from there, the destruction of transport and a lot of the more industrial designs means food will still be scarce for quite some time until things level back out. Despite Song Yi’s statement a lot of them refuse to give up the old ways and try to cultivate more Tek spirits. This has triggered another catastrophe as the spirits deal with it themselves instead of having Halea’s army do it.

Despite not being entirely responsible for it, Song Yi is still very much the scapegoat of the so called dark spirits that have started to appear and haunt the former Divya lands. These spirits are really nothing new and have always been around, but due to their recent prominence Song Yi is blamed for them anyways. Wherever they are being produced from, they are different from typical violent spirits from the wild because they can affect men while remaining incorporeal. How it actually works isn’t terribly understood but curses, madness, and possessions keep happening as the dark spirits keep doing their thing. Once they wandered the world considered to be rogue spirits, now they can be controlled by Song Yi, or at least the wild ones can be.

In more minor developments, with everyone looking into children and the death of Locust, Song Yi decided she wanted a kid of her own again, or at least a groomed prince of some sort. However, unlike her last pregnancy with Izumi, this time Song got one by simply willing the child into existence. Giving her own blood  and a fragment of her moon sword in a strange spiritual ritual she managed to cause a human to appear in the form of a 5 year old child. Her son is named Akuhiko Song, named after Akahito Izumi, and following the nations new naming structure of placing family name last. Hale’a advisors are more concerned about how she just created a person instantly, they feel she sorta glossed over the importance of however the hell she just did that.


aldayRackham’s new prophet, James Alday, has also taken over as the northern pirate lord of Atlantis. James shares the lackadaisical attitude of Rackham in most things he does but remains a proficient master of the high seas. Given the immortalizing coat by Rackham to make him a bitch to kill and also armed with the sword of Hayashi for a bit extra. He has no demonstrated black magic as far as anyone can tell he doesn’t care much for cannibalism and prefers his food prepared and cooked properly. He stands out for being a plain human that is able to command the entire northern Atlantis without anyone successfully mutinying against him for the post. His high prophet status seems to have given him a similar power to Rackham’s albeit less potent. He can’t perma steal items and pass it along, just use anything he’s holding.


MakaioThe wannabe apprentice of the late Locust. Locust never really did bother to teach them much, but Makaio still followed the man around none the less. Makaio has a similar power to Locust’s albeit less potent. His body can break up into spirits to create a horde of them that can reshape back into Makaio. This peculiar power this offers him is that the spirits can move between the physical world and the spiritual one, effectively letting him teleport unseen by anyone other then the mystically attuned.



nadaThe new high prophet of Zaeed was found by way of Songstone tournament. Zaeed decided only the luckiest would be his new high prophet, then proceeded to grant luck to Nada once he saw her. Basically a repeat of the shenanigans that led to him finding Sabriya.

Your next quest is to blow up…THE OCEAN

Shentu Wo: 3,124Power, 984Followers
Kikai Senso: 3,183 Power, 50 Followers, Next Form Progress: 23%
Lin Sun: 614 Power, 968 Followers
Con Lai: 1673 Power, 1484 Followers


Hector killed by Hasin Bava
Eleni killed by Thandar
Halima killed by Thandar
Bahamut Defeated by Hachiman and Vinasa finishing the job ryujin started
Locust killed by Vinasa
Kali and Vinasa defeated by Thandar, Kenji, Takeshi, Locust, Rikuto, Anna, Bahamut, and Freyja. Kali reaped, Vinasa still alive.
Thandar killed by Sahar, Orion, and Rackham (who took the coat)
Eli killed by Hayashi
Hayashi killed by Rackham
Akiao and shade dead to general combat.
Ume Kon killed by Lakshay Jayesh
12,000 Altepetl units killed by Raji
Nitis dead to Raji
Raji killed by Ira
Saldis defeated by Ryujin
Ryujin defeated by Bahamut, and then killed by Rackham
Lakshay Jayesh killed by Noelle
Hasin Bava defeated by Astrid
Kinzoku killed by Sanjiv Dubey
Sanjiv dubey killed by Takeshi
Sabriya killed by general combat

28,000 Altepetl warriors Killed in battle
Every undead zombie killed
20,000 Hale’a Troops dead
Senshi Order loses 25
2800 Sanika dead
40,000 Shogunate dead
60,000 Rajput dead
Crimson Order Loses 500, reducing it to 250

Isis rescues and also uses magic to force Song Yi awake again. Forests reanimate at reaaaaally awkward timing. Instead of retreat, Song decides to just attack. Death toll: 129,000.

Divya and Taiyo Survivors:
Hasin Bava


In attempt to retreat to the sea, yarr harr fiddle dee dee. Entire Taiyo fleet destroyed, Death toll: 110,000


End result: Pretty good victory.


It was discovered Raji can control the zombies, which led to the death of swathes of altepetl warriors when it turned out she could even out-command deathspeakers. Saldis killed her personally, no one has told Saldis why Raji could do this though.

After Hayashi killed Eli, Rackham avenged his fallen captain. This turned out to go very differently then Eli may have intended. Rackham ate Ryujin after reaping the wounded dragon god following its fight with Bahamut, thus ascending. Unlike Eli, he does not have any qualms with this result. Because he still has the keys Eli made, he was able to enter the formerly godless city and become the pirate god of atlantis, also known as the god of thieves.

It is suspected he may have been involved in getting Eli killed intentionally to take the throne, but no evidence has been brought up and any other suspicious disappearances can be pinned on the war itself.

With the death of Shade and Locust, the Senshi order has entered a bit of a rough spot. Kenji has been declared the new grandmaster to take command of the order.

When Saldis was defeated and sent to respawn, all the zombies fell over.

When Song Yi was awoken by Isis’ magic, the death toll skyrocketed over the next week of conflict. While the forces that remained tried to get back to the ocean to escape her wrath, the remains of the Hale’a army chased them through a hostile forest and killed them. In the end she personally killed an awful lot of their less known champions herself for what appeared to be sport. Challenging them to single combat, if they lived longer then ten seconds their men would be allowed safe passage.

In the wake of this conflict despite the loss of a few champions Halea comes out on top as two national militaries got butchered by being trapped in Song’s domain a week deep. Most of the military losses were soaked up by Altepetl. The spirits have begun to aggressively push into Divya now that it is nearly defenseless against them. Song Yi delivers the spirits message to what remains of the crumbling nation, that they can learn to accept the wilds instead of trying to tame it or they will be killed. The message is also sent to Taiyo.

Meanwhile to the north, the Jade Empire is getting destroyed. Ne Zha was killed by Fang already, the entire mercenary house led by Warlord Yuwen Hu is gone, either dead or deserted. Yuwen Hu himself was killed in the field by Erelim along with their army.

While Salathiel was being pushed back on the western border by Saint Naomi, most of the paladins have had to go deal with this Thykenae invasion after Ares betrayed Divus. Bastet and Ares are growing slowly closer to each other and the conflict of the war gods is expected.

Grand Marshal Devadas was found dead two weeks after the war with Hale’a Jeongsin, over two dozen Sanika were killed alongside him by the Jakaal and remaining witnesses say it was likely the work of Heisi or Nergal. The Jakaal attackers and their mysterious cohorts were all killed by the Sanika before they could escape.